Guest P. owensby Posted May 1, 2011 Posted May 1, 2011 Oh, and they were Oreos... Really, I don't know but, I had something better in mind like Hot oatmeal rasin cookies fresh out of the oven, well enjoy!!!
drew03cmc Posted May 1, 2011 Posted May 1, 2011 First off, you don't know me. I probibly hate the Bush's as much as you do albeit for diffrent reason's. In no way am I a Republican, but I am a conservitve (libertarian, ohh ! )and I do think that there is a reason for laws in this reguard, it seems like many of you don't. Time and time again I pointed out it was a Bi-partisan problem and time and time again, you members that have a obvious left leaning stance, just glossed over it. But I wouldn't expect anything diffrent from someone like you and others that believe like you. If being Racist is wanting immigration law to be enforced, then you are going to have to think what you want about me, but also know this, it is just not me who believes that the law of the land should be carried out and you are branding them as well. And quit using the Lords name in vain. Have some class. And I'm the one who is flawed? Yeah right... Jesus Christ, are you trying to bump your post count here? Why not multi-quote all of these statements you are constantly trying to refute. I work with a libertarian and I told him to show me ONE libertarian that has a fighting chance of election. He couldn't, and that is because their ideals are so far fetched they almost make the Tea Party look sane. You feel the need to use your 100 posts to attack people with five or more years experience on this forum. We all KNOW each other and can talk about this stuff and NOT get personal. You seem to not be able to do this. The law only applies to the poor in this country. Look at what happened in the Barry Bonds case. Use your own logic to suit your own viewpoints. "Edited for tact" Alright, alright... I apologize for the name calling part. I forgot you can't go around calling people bastards anymore on Internet forums... All you, uhm, people are so daggum touchy.. As for your "say that to my face" routine? You wonder why you don't visit forums much, eh? We use our words here... Now it's time for my cookies and milk... You crass person. You are a grumpy bastard Take it anyway you want it. As a matter of fact, you can take it right up the butt for all that I care. Prick !!! Wow, what a good guy. Offering fights and stuff OVER AN INTERNET FORUM THREAD. Andy
Danoinark Posted May 1, 2011 Posted May 1, 2011 Its Over, I have tolerated the name calling and disrespect on this thread much to long. Its closed. I had hoped it wouldn't have gone this far but I must admit I am appalled at some of the posts. Blame me, not Phil! Glass Has Class "from the laid back lane in the Arkansas Ozarks"
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