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Catching Report 8/11 & 8/12

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Well I was finally able to get back into a pair of wader, first time since Febuary. So I took my family down to BSSP for just a few day and stayed in one of the condo units.

I started fishing on thursday at the morning buzzer in the "Pete's Blue Pipe Hole" aka High Banks section. Catching was consistant though out the morning not big numbers but consistance. I never really found a pattern that was catching a lot of fish, so I was changing flies ever 5 - 10 minutes. I was evan able to catch a few on dry flies too.

After a swim in the pool, I took the kiddos down to Zone 3, I did not see anybody catch any fish except our kids. And this is the first time they have fishing in a steam so they had no clue about how to cast with the current of the stream. I guess the 5+ year old power bait was the ticket that afternoon.

On Friday I got out for the buzzer again, and again I went to the High bank area, not a soul close to me. Today the catching was ridculus. I did not change the two flies for two hours (a peach "FFM Sloppy ball" & a sz 18 green scud). I went back to the room to help pack up then I returned with my neice to the High Bank area (again we were the only people there). This was the first time she fly fished in a stream. I gave here the rod an few instrustions and with in a minute was had her first fish on. She hooked 10 fish total in about one hour and I was able to land 3 for her. She was very excited. It was a great day and tons of fish released. We left just 30 minutes prior to the storms hitting so we go out of there just in time.



Woo Hoo Fish On!!

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Well I was finally able to get back into a pair of wader, first time since Febuary. So I took my family down to BSSP for just a few day and stayed in one of the condo units.

I started fishing on thursday at the morning buzzer in the "Pete's Blue Pipe Hole" aka High Banks section. Catching was consistant though out the morning not big numbers but consistance. I never really found a pattern that was catching a lot of fish, so I was changing flies ever 5 - 10 minutes. I was evan able to catch a few on dry flies too.

After a swim in the pool, I took the kiddos down to Zone 3, I did not see anybody catch any fish except our kids. And this is the first time they have fishing in a steam so they had no clue about how to cast with the current of the stream. I guess the 5+ year old power bait was the ticket that afternoon.

On Friday I got out for the buzzer again, and again I went to the High bank area, not a soul close to me. Today the catching was ridculus. I did not change the two flies for two hours (a peach "FFM Sloppy ball" & a sz 18 green scud). I went back to the room to help pack up then I returned with my neice to the High Bank area (again we were the only people there). This was the first time she fly fished in a stream. I gave here the rod an few instrustions and with in a minute was had her first fish on. She hooked 10 fish total in about one hour and I was able to land 3 for her. She was very excited. It was a great day and tons of fish released. We left just 30 minutes prior to the storms hitting so we go out of there just in time.



Darn Kim, I just missed you. I got on the stream about 2pm and fished till about 5 and then went to set up the camper. I then went back down to fish in Zone 2 just upstream from the bluffs. I did OK on my usual midge pattern. Saturday was not quite as good and Sunday was even less as good. I guess the fluctuating water levels and the over abundance of people kinda messed with the fish.

I met KSBass and his son there Friday evening and gave him a heads up on my midge pattern that I tie and we discussed all kinds of stuff including his furled leaders. He gave me a couple to try out and I showed him how to tie my midge I use and a few others that usually work good there as well. I am going to go down to the local county park here tomorrow evening and give the leaders a whirl and try to coax some gills to bite a couple poppers.

Too bad I didn't see you there, we all could have got together and fished a little. I was going to put down a report till I saw this post by you. After Friday it kinda went downhill. They were having some kind of derby there too and I believe that is why there was so many people there. Hopefully when my brother and I go down the 26th through the 30th things will calm down some.

Take care,


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We really need to coordinate these OA get togethers a little better. FFM, I too would have enjoyed putting a face to a name and knowing that I was fishing beside you. So cool you introduced another young gal to flyfishing. What a wonderful spot (for a trout park anyway) to experience your first trout on a fly. Let me know what weight rod she gets as Emma will want to send her a Pink Flamingo furled leader. Also glad you were finally able to get down to the park and enjoy the awesome weather. Nice break from the recent heatwave.

Noluck spotted my orange OA hat and we got to talking. I will say Rich sure knows how to rip some lips with those magic midges he ties. His 10 to my 1 Friday evening really said that! Thanks Rich for showing me "the way"! A leader swap for a hot fly pattern and technique is a great deal anyday in my book. Seth will eventually come around to the way of the midge.

Seth and I struggled to find a consistent pattern this trip. A beetle pattern on top then a cat hair soft hackle fished under an indicator worked for awhile Thursday up by the dam for me while Seth rotated between an olive leech, a marabou midge, an olive scud, etc picking up several the last hour. Friday was about the same. We were both somewhat disapointed there wasn't more consistent dry fly action. Seth usually does well on top. Sat and Sun I fished alot with the midges and finally started to get the knack of the midge drift picking up several in the seam right below the riffles on Sun. Overall a wonderful father/son camping trip and can't wait till the next one. I'm going to try to get back down on the 28th for the day if all goes well. Hope to see you Rich and hopefully other OA anglers then too.

Check out our line of furled leaders at Dad and Em's Fishing Products!

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I still use your furled leader on my 8' 5wt rod. I have never taken it off since to sent it to over a year ago. That is one rock solid product you got there!!!!

No Luck and I have a lot of the same fishing style. Midges, Midges and more midges. The water clarity was a bit off so the smallest midge I used was sz 20. I usely like to use 22 and 24s when the water is real clear. Heck in the morning I was getting away with 5x tippet on my lead fly.

Sorry I missed the both of you guy, I'm sure I will get back down there in Sept some time.

As far as my neice goes she was grinning the entire time. My daughters are still a bit young to get our there in the current but I will see in 3 years if they want to try it out.

I forgot one story. On Thursday down by the Suzy Hole, it was my youngest B-Day and she wanted to fish. So all three girls had water shoes on. I had them standing in about 2" of water. My older daughter landed a fish so the B-Day girl came running over and her feet hit a slick rock. Feet were in the air and she lands in the water on her butt. She gets up crying and told me she never wants to fish again. I still had to chuckle a bit. :)



Woo Hoo Fish On!!

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I was also there saturday and sunday, i always seem to end up there the weekend they do that tournament, i think alot of the crowd was also due to it being the last weekend of summer break before the kids head back to school...did any of you catch a tagged fish?

I did well on a size 18 gray ostrich herl scud and a size 20 gray wd-40 and a few other midge patterns of mine. I was fishing in zone 2 from around the bluff hole, up to the fast water.

If you want let me know next time you guys head down and maybe we can meet up do some fishing and trade midge patterns


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I was also there saturday and sunday, i always seem to end up there the weekend they do that tournament, i think alot of the crowd was also due to it being the last weekend of summer break before the kids head back to school...did any of you catch a tagged fish?

I did well on a size 18 gray ostrich herl scud and a size 20 gray wd-40 and a few other midge patterns of mine. I was fishing in zone 2 from around the bluff hole, up to the fast water.

If you want let me know next time you guys head down and maybe we can meet up do some fishing and trade midge patterns



We have had small gtg's in the past. Usually people plan on being there and for reasons that come up at the last minute they don't show. I kinda gave up on trying to organize them. I will from now on try to do a small vacation the weekend before Labor Day if I can plan it early enough. That being said I would like to get a bunch of us from this forum to get together and shoot the bull. I'm sure between all of the experience of us all that there is plenty to learn. I would like to learn some new patterns for Bennett and other trout waters.

If you happen to be at Bennett the last weekend of this month look me up. I drive a white Ranger EDGE pick up. Most of the time I fish from the riffles in the high bank area down to the bluff hole. I park on the little road that loops around by the old hatchery pools.

Have a good one,


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Rich and FFM,

You guys are killing me.

I would love to try and make it the last weekend of August (27th-29th). Was trying to make it this past weekend but had to take care of some business. I had to put one of my Brittany's (Biscuit) down Saturday. It was the wife's dog and her decision. It was a tough weekend around our place.

Now that I'm down to just Junior and Dixie I might be able to get away more. I'll just have to load up 2 dogs, in the past it was stupid to try and deal with 3 down there. Dixie is a camping pro and her dad Junior will do fine. That being said I will check with the war department and see if I can get a pass!!

I just noticed in my profile pic that it was of Biscuit and Junior on point in their younger days. Darn it's tough loosing a friend like that!!

FFM was it you that had the Britts or your brother??


blue line.png

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Yea i will have to see if i can make it that weekend and let you know, ive got a taney trip planned that next week. How often do you all make it down? ive got a camper down there so i am down at least once a month.


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