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Floated 3 days from Greer to The Narrows week of July 25. Water was 2 feet deeper than normal for that time of year and also higher flow.

Did not have the usual level of success under the SH19 bridge on the night before our float. However, downstream did well with the usual stuff, MOAT Stonefly and Don's Crawdad dropper, and also a tinselly-red large Prince Nymph that Brian has in the fly box at Eleven Point Canoe Rental. Just need to be really heavy and deep. Spin fishing did best with #2 Blue Fox spinners, fished like a jig. Caught trout continuously with this technique from Connor Spring to Boze Mill. Saw a really big one at the outlet of Boze, but only got a chase & look desite several passes. Caught fewer smallmouth than usual, but didn't fish real hard downstream of Riverton.

Quite a few changes to the river topography, although it still flows downstream toward Arkansas. The 3rd island is now split into islands 3A, 3B, and 3C. The Mary Decker log dam is nonplussed. A few downstream islands are no more. Most significantly, there is no longer a "left vs right" option to consider at Halls Bay Chute, its right only. Favorite gravel bar stops and campsites were still in tact, though somewhat rearranged. Most important, latrines are still where you expect them to be.

So much for the upper section. Our float from Riverton to SH142 - The Narrows was also great. Didn't fish it as hard due to time management decisions. With the slower water, switched to a seal-fur wooly bugger <http://deerclifffurledleaders.com/OtherProducts.aspx> with a pheasant tail nymph dropper. Surprisingly caught more trout than smallmouth in this section - unusual. Understand that there are some large ones along the eroded mud banks, but did not tie up with any of them. Found one spot where I'm pretty sure the river has cut a totally different channel to the left, but no dramatic topography changes in that section. Morgan Springs Float Camp is a survivor. The hike up to the top of the Narrows is still worth the vista.

You should have a great time. Looking forward to your report. As always, contact Brian & Ryan & Mike (especially Riverton + downstream) for the best info.

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