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Here it is everyone!!

After looking at the calendar... looks like Jan 1st is on Sunday..

**** NOTE: I realize this is on Sunday. So please feel free to come after church***

Im going to try my best to make it this year Im planning it right now so unless something comes up..

since it is so late in the year.. we are going to do everything in this post..

The Who Coming and bringing what..

*****For anyone who hasnt been to one yet..****

at the pavillion (parking lot of outlet #2)

we'll start cooking about 10:30 or 11am (sometimes earlier)

OAF get together for any member and lurkers and families of this site ( and others)..

Jan 1st (for the past 6 years) some of the Ozark Anglers Forum member has got together for a some eating, BSing, friendship and fellowship. With a lot of fishing and more BSing.

You are not required to bring anything. But we try to make a list of what people are willing to bring.

Like drinking cups, paper plates, foods, drinks, coffee (special creamer for me)... Adult beverages are ok... just dont get too carried away.. we want the families and kids to have fun too....

So we make a list so we dont have everyone bring the same thing..

If you have any question you can call me. (417)334-0497

****** The LIST:


Leonard.... SEAHORSES.... (Ive got a cooler)

Dylan.... Cake balls

hfdhoosier... meat-n-cheese (and soda)

cocry... cups/plats/flatware


Gatorjet.... jambalaya

Duckydoty & DD'sMC

Phil will help out with....cords, plastic if windy, heaters if cold, smoked chicken and beans, coffee carafes and coffee, power strip, blower to clean the area, bottles of water, ice chest with ice, extra serving tables and table cloths.

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I'm in! The ball and chain makes a good dessert, "cake balls" ill bring them, I can also bring something else if needed.

No one gripes about obese fish.


The wife and I are in. Probably bring a meat and cheese tray and some diet 12 packs of soda.


Eat, Fish, Sleep,....Repeat

Member: ozarkflyfishers http://www.ozarkflyfishers.org/


Please tell me more about this....where it is....what it involves....I may be interested in showing up for a bit.

"Thanks to Mother Mercy, Thanks to Brother Wine, Another night is over and we're walking down the line" - David Mallett


Count me in. I can bring the hardware. Plates/plasticware/cups.


I'm in. Already have a cabin booked at Lilley's. You guys up for some jambalaya again. Might even have some gator meat to throw in this year!

Real men go propless!


Barring any kids getting sick like last year,DD'sMC and I will be there. I'm thinking duck or goose poppers.

A Little Rain Won't Hurt Them Fish.....They're Already Wet!!

Visit my website at..

Ozark Trout Runners


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