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Work was slow so I got out to and did a tour on the lake, more to see what ducks showed up and to locate the fish after this front.

I found really good marks in Rocky Branch and South of Prairie Creek Marina these were LARGE fish marks

Condo Cove and Prairie Creek I locate large school marks

The Island closest to Prairie Creek on the North Shore was Loaded with Schoolie marks ( 12 to 16 pound fish )

White Bass were on the prowl picking off smaller shad at Horsehoe Bend and Mont ne as well as the flats at beaver shores, Some of them looked to be very respectful in size

Shad were up in the back of coves.



That's all good and nice on the fish report, but you left out the important stuff.......what about the ducks......LOL!

A Little Rain Won't Hurt Them Fish.....They're Already Wet!!

Visit my website at..

Ozark Trout Runners



Oh alright, Mallards at Lake Atlanta bright red footed ones also some near horsehoe bend, A few pintail scattered around and well noisy dam snows in a few groups. Big group OF DIVERS in front of Beaver Shores. Not going to comment on the honkers as they are just resssy's and still stupid enough to let me get within bow range. OH and did see a nice group of 25 cotton tops near 12 bridge but still in molt color but nice to see widgies none the less.


Wow! You covered a lot of areas, how long where you out for? Did any fishing?

Still waiting to get my truck back from the shop.

Thanks for the report!!

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Work was slow so I got out to and did a tour on the lake, more to see what ducks showed up and to locate the fish after this front.

I found really good marks in Rocky Branch and South of Prairie Creek Marina these were LARGE fish marks

Condo Cove and Prairie Creek I locate large school marks

The Island closest to Prairie Creek on the North Shore was Loaded with Schoolie marks ( 12 to 16 pound fish )

White Bass were on the prowl picking off smaller shad at Horsehoe Bend and Mont ne as well as the flats at beaver shores, Some of them looked to be very respectful in size

Shad were up in the back of coves.

Thank you for that. Very informative indeed. Regards, steady...........


about 3 hours WC and yes I took 3 stripers on the fly rod again. but mostly I needed a day to just be in nature and touring the lake in fall colors is a sure fire way to get sanity back and the good lord provided the best medicine ever.


about 3 hours WC and yes I took 3 stripers on the fly rod again. but mostly I needed a day to just be in nature and touring the lake in fall colors is a sure fire way to get sanity back and the good lord provided the best medicine ever.

Can I ask what part of the lake you found 3 strippers up on the surface?


Prairie Creek right at dusk...

Today was TOUGH, early morning fog made fishing hard, Managed 1 12 pound class this morning then dead till about 30 minutes before dark. Marked fish all day long and had perfect shad but they were not biting. 30 minutes before dark till dark we managed 2 hybrids and 3 undersize stripers on shad. I tried the fly pole but no dice the front really messed them up. I heard the Kentucky Derby was won with 6 bass for 8 pnds.

On the good note did see alot of teal, woodies and a sprinkle of mallards and gaddies. And the best part of the day was watching a Juvi blad eagel who thought he could catch a coot, Gotta give him credit he tried for half an hour before he finally got himself a Small dead white bass that was floating.


When does the season start down there? TR will be in the 24th of nov and we just started in the north zone.

I shop at the outdoor grocery store




Duck;Coot, American;Merganser





Shooting Hours:

30 Minutes Before Sunrise Until Sunset


Duck daily bag limit - Six ducks. Limit may include no more than four mallards (no more than two of which may be hens), three wood ducks, two redheads, one black duck, two scaup, two pintails, one canvasback and one mottled duck. Duck and teal species not listed have no extra restriction beyond the six-duck total bag limit.

Duck possession limit - Twice the daily bag limit.

Coot daily bag limit - 15.

Coot possession limit - Twice the daily bag limit.

Merganser daily bag limit - Five. Limit may include no more than two hooded mergansers.

Merganser possession limit - Twice the daily bag limit.



Duck;Coot, American;Merganser





Shooting Hours:

30 Minutes Before Sunrise Until Sunset


Duck daily bag limit - Six ducks. Limit may include no more than four mallards (no more than two of which may be hens), three wood ducks, two redheads, one black duck, two scaup, two pintails, one canvasback and one mottled duck. Duck and teal species not listed have no extra restriction beyond the six-duck total bag limit.

Duck possession limit - Twice the daily bag limit.

Coot daily bag limit - 15.

Coot possession limit - Twice the daily bag limit.

Merganser daily bag limit - Five. Limit may include no more than two hooded mergansers.

Merganser possession limit - Twice the daily bag limit.



Duck;Coot, American;Merganser





Shooting Hours:

30 Minutes Before Sunrise Until Sunset


Duck daily bag limit - Six ducks. Limit may include no more than four mallards (no more than two of which may be hens), three wood ducks, two redheads, one black duck, two scaup, two pintails, one canvasback and one mottled duck. Duck and teal species not listed have no extra restriction beyond the six-duck total bag limit.

Duck possession limit - Twice the daily bag limit.

Coot daily bag limit - 15.

Coot possession limit - Twice the daily bag limit.

Merganser daily bag limit - Five. Limit may include no more than two hooded mergansers.

Merganser possession limit - Twice the daily bag limit.



Goose, Canada





Shooting Hours:

30 Minutes Before Sunrise Until Sunset


Daily limit is 2. Possession limit is 4.


Goose, White-fronted





Shooting Hours:

30 Minutes Before Sunrise Until Sunset


Daily limit is 2. Possession limit is 4.



Goose, Blue;Goose, Snow;Goose, Ross





Shooting Hours:

30 Minutes Before Sunrise Until Sunset


Bag limit is 20. No possession limit.


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