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I have a friend coming next week for a little hunt or two. Shall I save this place, let it rest and take a chance of someone or something messing it up or save it? This pond has a pump that will send it's water to a larger lake and it may be drawn down. I still have places to fall back on too. I am getting giddy just thinking of it.





"We have met the enemy and it is us",


   If you compete with your fellow anglers, you become their competitor, If you help them you become their friend"

Lefty Kreh

    " Never display your knowledge, you only share it"

Lefty Kreh

         "Eat more bass and there will be more room for walleye to grow!"


    " One thing in life is for sure. If you are careful you can straddle the barbed wire fence but make one mistake and you will be hurting"


  P.S. "May your fences be short or hope you have long legs"



Too funny. He'll have that pond drained in about 5 days. I just talked to him on Saturday. When he came to check the concrete on MVDS's north pond. Shoot the tar out of them. Was that you that hunted the levee on the big lake to the North during the second Sat of early goose?


Too funny. He'll have that pond drained in about 5 days. I just talked to him on Saturday. When he came to check the concrete on MVDS's north pond. Shoot the tar out of them. Was that you that hunted the levee on the big lake to the North during the second Sat of early goose?

LOL 5 days of killing then... and when it becomes a marsh KILL THE SNIPE...

Dam that reminds me i aint gone after one snipe this season yet.... im slacking


LOL 5 days of killing then... and when it becomes a marsh KILL THE SNIPE...

Dam that reminds me i aint gone after one snipe this season yet.... im slacking

You can't shoot that flock of geese out of a 5 mile square around that pond. Trust me, I've tried. They get wily, but they won't leave.


Guess that is where I should take Pat in the morning? Hummmm? I may have to drive over there this afternoon and figure out where to park. Not me to the North of there but If I recall right Pat and I were just to the East on the South side of the road. Do you know where that pond is Bird Watcher? Bet you do.. Boy our paths have crossed I am sure of that.


"We have met the enemy and it is us",


   If you compete with your fellow anglers, you become their competitor, If you help them you become their friend"

Lefty Kreh

    " Never display your knowledge, you only share it"

Lefty Kreh

         "Eat more bass and there will be more room for walleye to grow!"


    " One thing in life is for sure. If you are careful you can straddle the barbed wire fence but make one mistake and you will be hurting"


  P.S. "May your fences be short or hope you have long legs"



Guess that is where I should take Pat in the morning? Hummmm? I may have to drive over there this afternoon and figure out where to park. Not me to the North of there but If I recall right Pat and I were just to the East on the South side of the road. Do you know where that pond is Bird Watcher? Bet you do.. Boy our paths have crossed I am sure of that.


I would! They won't stay there long and then they'll be back over on the interstate. They mostly hit that one when it fills with runoff, at least that's what I've seen.

The pond that I know of East of there about 3/4 on the South side of the HWY I always thought was leased by a hunting club at one time, but I haven't tried to find anything out about it in 3 or 4 years. I could be wrong. I was acutally wondering about those Pecan groves on the West side of that conservation area 3 miles North of there. One year I caught it during a bunch of runoff and the mallards were in there thick! It's probably crested back out of there by now though.


ok then I have figured out a place to park. Close to that creepy old trailer where the dogs try to eat my tires when I drive by. And yes the birds are still there. But you all know the best laid plans of mice, men and Marty have a way of going wrong. The pond to the East is farmed by some friends and I am the only one there. Could of been leased in the past though?


PS I just noticed in the first photo there is a swan at the back just to the right side. I seen him yesterday but did not know I got him in the picture this morning.

"We have met the enemy and it is us",


   If you compete with your fellow anglers, you become their competitor, If you help them you become their friend"

Lefty Kreh

    " Never display your knowledge, you only share it"

Lefty Kreh

         "Eat more bass and there will be more room for walleye to grow!"


    " One thing in life is for sure. If you are careful you can straddle the barbed wire fence but make one mistake and you will be hurting"


  P.S. "May your fences be short or hope you have long legs"



ok then I have figured out a place to park. Close to that creepy old trailer where the dogs try to eat my tires when I drive by. And yes the birds are still there. But you all know the best laid plans of mice, men and Marty have a way of going wrong. The pond to the East is farmed by some friends and I am the only one there. Could of been leased in the past though?


That dog! No kidding, after the big Christmas snowstorm two years ago, I went by that trailer and that old red dog was the only one home at that place. I don't know where the owners were, but that old red dog had caught and killed a rabbit and was sitting in the driveway eating it. He's a survivor. He's never really given me any real problems, but I've never let him close either. He looks like a bad one. I wouldn't want my lab to tangle with him. She thinks she's a lot tougher than she is and he really does look tough. Good luck. I hope you hammer on them things!

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