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I was thinking while driving around today it would be fun to get those of us here who hunt fowl togeather for a spring snow hunt. Ive got a couple :rolleyes: decoys lol. More of just a get togeather to meet up and shoot the breeze and have a field breakfast togeather someplace in SWMO around Feb. Anyone interested? I normally hunt them around Shawnee some days are good some are spent looking at air.


I would be game. I have at least 3 layout blinds and would love to meet some waterfowlers in the area.


I can't find the motivation for Spring Snows anymore. Don't get me wrong, I agree that when it's good, it's the single best waterfowling experience a guy can have. The problem is it seems like it's about 1/12 or 1/10 good days to bust for me. That still wouldn't bother me, except for the mud. It's always so deep during the CO season. I'm also usually out of Kitchen Passes from the boss by February. I'd still like to meet everyone though. If everyone was getting together for a hunt, I might haul out to the field just for the social.


Thats really all i had in mind, Ive got some striper and a few birds to cook. If birds show up great if not we shoot laughs.

That'd be good. I have some Goose brats that I'd bring to said gathering.


I will be gone one week in Febuary. If it isn't that week I would like to attend. I have bookoos goose jerky,


"We have met the enemy and it is us",


   If you compete with your fellow anglers, you become their competitor, If you help them you become their friend"

Lefty Kreh

    " Never display your knowledge, you only share it"

Lefty Kreh

         "Eat more bass and there will be more room for walleye to grow!"


    " One thing in life is for sure. If you are careful you can straddle the barbed wire fence but make one mistake and you will be hurting"


  P.S. "May your fences be short or hope you have long legs"



I could either do the first weekend or the last weekend. I too have to travel a lot during the middle of the month. I'll have one of the middle weekends free too, I just don't know which one yet.

Weird year for sure. If it stays like this the frontline birds may never get down here. I think I saw where Squaw Creek still had a load of them. Supposed to be another arctic blast next week, so maybe that will put them down in this area. Usually, by this time of year we are loaded with the the frontline adults riding the snow line but I've seen a whopping 4 snow geese sitting in a field this month. Some of my best hunts in this area have been around and shortly after Valentines day.


Ive been on Beaver scouting most the morning for tomorrow and watched about 30 flights going southwest. Father-in-law says the numbers have really increased the last 2 days at the house in sear im thinking the last weekend of Feb might be a good bet if weather permits. Scaup numbers on the Rodent went through the roof from Wend to today, Some nice rafts of Canvasback and Redheads as well but the Scaulp numbers are just unreal. Ill post a picture in a minute of one group that swam right into me. How they knew i was limited i dont know. First time in a long time i was limited by 8am 2 Scaup 4 mallards. I wish i would have waited had a group of Cans come blowing past me at Warp 8.5 and some hoodies. The islands around 12 bridge are loaded right now.

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