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I really don't know how you can mess up a carb rebuild on these mew ones since you don't even replace the needles. I left the linkage and settings on the carbs alone per the manual and was surprised how easy it was, compared to the carbs I rebuilt on 70s and 80s engine. I had one mechanic desribe cleaning little holes with little wires like I hadn't been in my own carbs and didn't know there were no holes that small or that the floats are plastic and not even part of a rebuild kit.

As far as a power pac wish it had one they are cheaper than replacing those cdi modules that replaced the power pac after about 2000, These new stators are supposed to be a lot better than the ones in the 90s but about two years ago I had a fire due to a ground wire working loose on the battery(don't use those butterfly nuts that come on the battery) and I had to rewire the entire engine and replace one of the cdi modules (used to be power pac but one for each cyl now).

I hope you are right about the fuel problem that would just be turning some screws by someone with more experience than I have But I won't pay for a rebuild that cost way to much for as simple as it is on these new carbs but seems to be where every one wants to start due to profit involved.

I am really thinking trigger or stator even though that is rare in a 2004 so is a fire. :blush:

Thanks for the advice, and yes I did know not to rev on the hose. I don't usually put in gear on the hose at all but needed to check before going to the lake again.

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Ah, you have CDI modules. Forgot about that. Could be that but I'm thinking it may be something else. Don't know why, just call it a hunch.

As for the rebuild, that sounds simple enough. Sounds like you couldn't have gotten anything out of adjustment so that should rule that out. I'm really sold on the issue being electrical vs fuel now. Especially since you had to re-wire the motor. Forgot about that. Gee..........it's going to be a process of elimination and testing electrical circuits to find the source.

Surely you can find a mechanic to pay their time for diagnostic. The problem is, most are too worried about liability and reputation. They would just assume do the work and get the motor working. If they tell you CDI and you replace it but still have the same problem, someone could go around town and blame them and it hurts their rep. I've noticed a lot of guys are really paranoid about that.

I hope you can get this bug fixed. Sounds like it could be an easy replacement and you're back on the water tearing up wakes!

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He will treat you like family!!! I owe fishinwrench a lot of thanks. He has been a great mechanic with lots of patience!

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