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I was down at Roaring River a couple of weeks ago and was doing well and a dad and his son were fishing and not catching anything. I called the young boy to come over and they both just looked at me like "what"? I had to call to him at least 3 times to come over. Finely they both looked around and walked down to me. I gave them a couple of small woolies that I was having a great day with. The dad just looked at me and finely said "Thanks we aren't used to someone helping or being frendly. I hope that it helped them but more over I was kind of embarrassed that they felt that way. Pay it forward! I wouldn't be able to catch fish if it wasn't for someone showing me the way! My dad for one!! Thanks daddy!!

Smiles are free



Hey Terry,

Right you are - opening gigs can be interesting if the "headliner" is having issues - I have the opportunity to do lots of shows with big acts all over and it really varies - usually the guys on the way down are the most bitter, but then again, anyone can have a bad day. :blush: But I sure have some good stories! :D Chairs being thrown, food trays slung like frisbees - that sure makes it fun later! That is why when we headline and have someone open for us I always try to go out of my way to be nice to them - cause I've been on the other end plenty. As far as Edgar goes - he was a really sweet person - pretty frail, but once he got on stage he rocked.

Murdoc - my Dad taught me as well - I remember being irritated so many times when we were walking to our favorite fishing hole and he would stop to talk to someone - especially if they seemed to need a bit of help - I just wanted to get fishing - but later figured out that helping others have a good time was at least "almost" as fun. ;)


"We are living in the midst of a Creation that is mostly mysterious - that even when visible, is never fully imaginable".

-Wendell Berry-


Hi jscheetz,

Seems like you've figured out the true ethic of fishing! It's people like Leonard (who I've never met yet know quite well through others of his blessed ilk) who best exemplify the brotherhood of the long rod. Treasure those like him and pass it on.

And if, in your musical peregrinations, you run across Tony Bean around Branson tell him the old Saddle tramp said Hello. And see if you can induct him into the brotherhood. Tight lines & screaming reels, Crippled Caddis

"You need only reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in their struggle for independence." ---Charles Austin Beard

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