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I was going to make it up and holler at you when I was on the Juan, but the fishing was so good, and I only made it to Aztec for gas and groceries one evening. I had thought about fishing up your way, but had heard of all the rain and muddy water, so I just stayed and fished on the juan every day, you know those little brown #24 thread midges will catch fish just about everywhere if you tie them the right way, I have found if you keep the flies very tight and smooth they work better than the small ones that are shaggy, I run them through my alchol burner before I add glue, this removes all the stray strands of thread and leaves the body very smooth. Thanks for hosting this fly swap, I hope we get the 25 people, more flies the better :)

Tim Homesley

23387 st. hwy 112

Cassville, Mo 65625

Roaring River State park

Tim's Fly Shop


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sweet. Im glad you had a good trip. Yeah i know what you mean with the thread midges. as long as its small, its gonna catch fish...especially in T-hole. The animas has been muddy the whole month of august except for 3 days. The rains finally stopped and its in perfect condition right now....flows of 500+ cfs. Perfect for floating, in fact we are gonna float it today.

There are two types of people. Those who dream dreams and wish, then there are the do'ers. I am a do'er!


I started tying my flies last night. I quit at a dozen. I'm hoping that we can get a few more people to join this swap, I'd hate to be finished already.



Count me in. This past summer I got the chance to fish the Bighorn River in MT. We fished a two fly system. The top fly is what the guide called the Bighorn Worm. That is what I will tie - Bighorn Worm. Matt


I hope we get a few more people to join this swap also. matt i have you down.

There are two types of people. Those who dream dreams and wish, then there are the do'ers. I am a do'er!


By The Way.....since this is a MIDGE swap, please do your best to go along with the theme.

There are two types of people. Those who dream dreams and wish, then there are the do'ers. I am a do'er!


Is a "San Juan Worm" considered a midge? :rolleyes:



"There he stands, draped in more equipment than a telephone lineman, trying to outwit an organism with a brain no bigger than a breadcrumb, and getting licked in the process." - Paul O’Neil


I'd like to be in the swap. I think I'll tie a thread and peacock herl midge that has worked for me at Taney, Bennett, and Montauk.


"My biggest worry is that my wife (when I'm dead) will sell my fishing gear for what I said I paid for it" - Koos Brandt

Greg Mitchell

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