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Rear Hook

Hook: Umpqua U301 (or any 3xl streamer hook)

Body/Tail: Marabou (palmered)

Wing: Mallard Flank

Articulation Point:


3 Glass Beads

Front Hook

Hook: Gamakatsu B10s

Flash: Flashabou

Body: Marabou (palmered)

Wing: Mallard Flank

Head: Deer Hair

You guys are kind of my eyes and ears as to what the rest of the fly tying world is going to like. You have made these videos insanely popular and I can't thank you enough. SO....the beginning of this video is a sneak preview of some new work that I am doing with a new video camera....I have joined the DSLR video crazy and you should be able to tell from the beginning of this video. Next up is the Barely Legal, followed by the Boogyman and then we jump to Mike Schmidt's patterns.

And, some pretty cool news. I am working with Phil on the main site and will be releasing all of my new tying videos on the new "Videos" page on Ozark Anglers which can be found here..... http://www.ozarkangl...y-tying-videos/ Also we have added several, several other videos from all over on this page and will continue to add to it as we find more so check it out!

Also, I will be doing a program at the Southern Council Conclave this year and in addition to the North Fork of the White programs I will be doing I will also do programs on Fly Tying and Fishing Videos....from equipment (low end to high end) to editing and everything in between.


Looks pretty reminiscent of the Heifer Groomer, but I could be wrong.

I guess you are right....just like the "Tips Up" is now the "Bottom's Up" the Heifer Groomer and the Fat Head are one in the same. I will change add that to the name, thanks.


When I grow up, I want to be able to tie flies like Brian. :)

Nicely done!


We all make decisions; but, in the end, our decisions make us.



This is an insanely easy fly to tie.....and hint hint, I personally feel like you could use wool instead of deer hair on this fly and be just fine. The deer hair is a must on flies like the Dungeon or they turn into flies that jig but this has NO weight so a little bit of weight in the head from we wool would still get some great movement out of this fly. I'm not a big "jigging" action guy for big browns, the jigging action is like crack for rainbows though.


I'll say it again...give this guy a TV show.


Hey Brian,

Would you be willing to tie a couple of those on small hooks, say 16 streamers, for Mill and BSC. Before I fly fished on the small wild creeks, I used to catch em on 1.5 Rapala minnows, trout or bluegill pattern. I would like to try quick stripping them and see what happens.

If not, no big deal.




Brian, again, Love the new approach to the tying videos. I get to bored with the real time videos and yours are going fast enough to keep me interested

Now, if your taking requests, I'd like to see some full dressed classic atlantic salmon flies in this fashion, such as the green highlander...........

Maybe show some technics on marrying wings and tips on proper attachment of gut eyes that still allow for a good base of wing attachment.

It be nice to condense a 12 hour fly into about 10 minutes.

I once sat in front of Dr. Stack Scovial for 6 straight hours watching him tie one fly. It was pretty painful but very informative.

A Little Rain Won't Hurt Them Fish.....They're Already Wet!!

Visit my website at..

Ozark Trout Runners



You avoided the stinger this time, Grasshopper, that is good...soon it will be time for you to leave, and fish these flies...;)

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