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  • Root Admin

Duane and I just left McCord. Fished Taylor and down to big rock below ramp 1/4 mile. No whites. Nothing. Water good shape. Little faster current. Puzzled why they weren't there or biting.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

  • Members

Interesting report...

Know two guys went down on Saturday night and Sunday night and both caught limits at Taylor's Shoal...

They did say they only caught one on a stick bait before dark and the rest were all after dark on purple and blue..

I am shocked that there is still not a daytime bite...I am puzzled this year


That is bizarre, you're usually right on top of the bite with having all the connections and all, lol. Maybe they moved farther up stream and the next wave of whites just hasn't gotten out of the lake yet.

  • Root Admin

Duane will chime in - he's been up there a lot lately and both of us were amazed we didn't slay them. Perfect weather, conditions. May be.... just may be.... they just were NOT biting.

Hate when that happens.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg


Yep, I think we were the blind hogs not finding nuts today. I have been catching them over the last week in all the areas we fished today. I thought for sure Taylor would be loaded with them this morning after last night's rain. The river is rising some but only about 3 inches so far. Weather Channel is predicting flood stage by early afternoon tomorrow in the Galena area. current depth there is somewhere around 3 1/2 feet and flood stage being somewhere around 15 feet. Might have to go down there and fish the rising water all night tonight.

A Little Rain Won't Hurt Them Fish.....They're Already Wet!!

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Ozark Trout Runners



It's always interesting (and frustrating) when the bite just shuts off.

The first and most logical possibility would be a change in water temp after the cool night and some cool rain.

You could probably pin it down to that if you knew the water temp each day over the past few days, and then took it today.

A few degrees can shut down upstream movement, feeding and spawning activity for a short time.

Since White Bass will continue to actively feed until the hour they begin their mating dance, a little cooler water temp also lowers their metabolism and they don't feed as actively and aggressively until the temp climbs back up.

They don't usually retreat very far, just somewhere that is a little deeper, and perhaps warmer, where they don't have to expend much energy until the temp comes back up.

If you keep a fishing journal and love to fish for White Bass in the spring, you will find it beneficial to acquire a digital thermometer and faithfully take the temp multiple times each trip and record your readings, and ask your buddies to do the same and share the info.

Just my 2 cents.

Hope it's helpful.

Bill Butts

Springfield MO

"So many fish, so little time"


Well, it appears we just missed the bite Phil. Getting reports from yesterday afternoon and last night that some fellas did real well at the shoals as the water was rising.

A Little Rain Won't Hurt Them Fish.....They're Already Wet!!

Visit my website at..

Ozark Trout Runners



Haven't been down there since the rain, but assuming its way up. Anybody tried to fish Blunks with the high water?

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