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Alright ladies and gentlemen boys and girls and all the ships at sea. Now is the time of year to start looking for the Stripers to be blowing wide open on top water. After Chief and I went yesterday for a whopping 1 bass, I was a tad frustrated to say the least. So today I made a ton of phone calls to as many of my friends and accomplices for active duty.

The call went out for one reason find the and sink the Evil German U- Stripers, I managed to round up 10 American Destroyers for the fleet who owed me a favor more like I ended up owing them some beer for defending the waters of the lake from the U-Boats. The fleet started out from all points near and far to locate the Submarine Wolf packs that had been reassigned from their winter patrol zones.

Sonars pinging the motley little ships did advance on all areas from Beaver shores to the dam and the results were in. U-striper boats and located them in their might wolf packs. They were located in large packs patrolling at 15 to 22 feet of water during the bright sunlight but never far from the schools of Cargo Shad. The poor Cargo and little large Gizzard Freighters were being stocked by these large wolf packs and all that was between them and certain destruction was the small fleet of Destroyers. The packs were at ambush points sitting off long sloping points awaiting the Cargo and Freighters waiting for the sky to darken to better hide their attack.

As the day grew longer the Convoys of Freighters and Cargo ships tightened up in hopes that in massed numbers the Wolf-packs would find targeting a single one more difficult. The Valiant little destroyer with depth charges a-ready were posed around the convoy.

About 5pm the first of the attacks started coming in from areas that had some protection from the sun. One attack after another with some of the U-boats being so brazen they surface with the deck cleared of water while other came out so fast the rudder showed. The little destroyer fighting with all guns and depth charges ablaze attempted to defend the convoys. At about 8pm the last of the wolf packs had been defeated.

All reports to the Central Command were the same , convoy after convoy being attacked from below and surface and balled up so tight you could see the disturbance in the water they were creating trying to flee this way and that. Then the striper fast attack U-boats attacked in reckless disregard for sky and sea as they were coming full on out of water backs and tail flying out and mouths agape to eat the up the little convoy presented before them.

There was no rhyme nor reason to where and when the attack would be accept that it was off long points and it was only as the sun was obscured so they could make the attack without having prior warning.

I believe this attack will last for a week or so until the temperatures in the lake starts to climb again, currently at 59.7. Shad spawn at 70 so when the lake warms they will start moving shallow again and looking for hard areas to lay their precious cargo. This could very well give us a second shot at stripers in Prairie Creek, Avoca, Beaver shores and long rocky points. It could also give us two top-water bites this one that’s currently on and a second one during and right after the spawn.


Someone is waxing poetic. Or has been taste testing medicinal libations.

Actually, a great report and one that bears on more than one species in more than one lake.

Thank you.


Na Randy, two days in the sun and a nasty burn to prove it, I think the sun got to me, I am all better now that I got a shower. Besides i was tired of the same old stuffy report of stripers in Avoca, kinda glad things are getting a little diffrent as i think the Beaver that lives in Avoca was about to start charging me rent.


I enjoyed it. Really. I also meant what I said about it being useful.


Great report! Usually long reports are boring but you my man did away with that.


Good read, thanks Scott. I guess I should be out looking for striper top water action today instead of chasing them white bass at twin bridge!!

Maybe tomorrow!!

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