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It looks like I'll be fishing in the Ozarks for the first time since 2004 this May. When I was a kid, I fished almost exclusively for trout, but this time I want to catch bass since I can't get them out here in Montana, at least not many places. I've heard that various Clousers and some crayfish patterns are must haves. Anyone care to share some specific patterns? I expect to fish the Castor, Meramec, Big Piney, and Bryant Creek. I'm hoping it doesn't decide to rain 6" the day before I get there...


You are right on the clousers and crawfish patterns, always a must to have. If you see the fish chasing minnows, just keep changing colors on the clousers till you find the magical combo. Also have big buggers in the box too, I have caught more smallies on #4 and #6 buggers than probably any other fly in my box. Olive and brown with plenty of rubber legs and flash. Last year, I started fishing smaller articulated streamers like circus peanuts, sex dungeons, etc in #4 and #6 for smallies and they were my top producer last year. Olive and brown once again were the best colors. Best technique I had was to "jig" them thru boulders and gravel bars, mostly sight fishing too which was always awesome. Another couple techniques to use if they wont eat the bugs on the strip, tight line/swing the fly next to structure or swing the fly thru shallow riffles just ahead of where the drop off is. It can be the way to fish when the fish are kinda lazy and wont chase a fly down.

Something else to think about, everything is almost a month early this year so the topwater bite might be in full swing by then if the weather keeps warming up. Big gurglers, foam poppers, and deer head poppers in various colors are always a must have when the topwater bite is on. Nothing like having a 4lb river smallie smash a topwater!

And one more thing, dont forget about our river largemouth and kentucky bass! Make sure to throw a fly in the little back eddies and backwater sloughs on some of these rivers/creeks....you would be surprised by how many big largemouth/kentucky bass are in our rivers.


...I'm haunted in my dreams of waters I have yet to fish and trout I have yet to catch...

Chasing the Dream...

Clousers and some crayfish patterns

Add some poppers and hoppers and maybe a few Dahlbergs and you should be good to go.

Today's release is tomorrows gift to another fisherman.


I've distilled it down a bit....you only need a couple flies. Gaines Sneaky Pete..chartruese...#2...some Greg Coffey Sparkleminnows...#4 on a 3x streamer hook..Brown, Olive...and Pearl.....a sparkle will usually out fish a clouser...3 to 1. then theres that darn Shenks white streamer..looks like nothing but it catches better than most of the tarted up jigs that Kelly Galoup peddles. Have fun Walter.


I wouldn't worry too much, everything is ahead this year. We should be past the frog chocker period.

Today's release is tomorrows gift to another fisherman.


I wouldn't worry about gully-washers, because you have no control over the weather. But, since you've brought it up, I would get to know the USGS water levels and flows for your four rivers, particularly the areas you plan to fish. I think the rivers you mentioned are in different watersheds, so, whereas one or two streams might get blown out after a rain event, the other one or two could be fine, depending on the paths of the storms. Plus, having a contact or two (an outfitter for example), on each of those streams will also help in your decision making. That is, if you are a 100% lock in coming this May.

Also, I believe big lures attract big fish.

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