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I saw that ad in the paper, too, Dave. It really seemed like a BS ad, along the lines of "how to increase your stamina". A lot of people will probably buy it though. As a fathers day gift or whatever, not knowing it is regurgitated nonsense and you can buy all sorts of better and more current info and maps elsewhere. I think Higbee and Dallas shared a jail cell once, conspiracy to commit to fraud.


The MDC guys who were at SMA at Powder Valley a few months ago said the Paddlers Guide was being updated. It was one of those "coming soon" deals with no specific date. I would guess that the moment its out, MDC will advertise the heck out of it and those $ 100 prices on Amazon will tumble way down for the older edition.


I talked to a friend in MDC media a couple months ago and told him they should get GPS points for all the noted places in the paddlers guide. I told him there would be a lot of people, canoe outfitters, ect. that could help get these. He said it was a good idea and he would mention it to those involved. I never heard what the reaction was and he never mentioned that the book is currently being updated.

I would love to have GPS coordinates for every point mentioned in the book. I would think within a few months "we the people" could get the list pretty full.

Messing about in boats

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