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I'm leaning toward a jetboat. I'm not sure I have time to learn the art of floating a canoe, though I'm in awe of those that can. I think a smaller jet rig will do what I need just fine. Now I just have to find something decent in my price range. Anyone seen anything for sale in the $2-3k range lately?


Like I said, I'm still mulling the idea, I hadn't really thought about the clamp-on idea, they always looked fairly awkward, have you guys used it for a gas motor?

Mixermarkb, there are one or two on craigslist for that price, but you're talking about boats and motors that are closing in on 20 years old. I think when you really sit down and look at the time you would have to invest in keeping a 20 year old outboard and boat running, and time spent learning to canoe efficiently, the canoe would probably come out ahead. Not to mention the fact that you learn to handle a canoe out on the water. Fixing a broken boat/motor/trailer generally involves time spent laying on hot cement.

  • 3 weeks later...

Seems like owning a motorboat only leads to a maintenance intensive and costly lesson... Cost of fuel, cost of licenses, storage if you don't have the space, launch fees, the hassle of boat launches, insurance, maintenance, repairs, upgrades, the cost of owning a vehicle to tow a boat, etc... Then you go to sell or trade it in and you get pennies on the dollar even after just a few years. I was once told a boat is the worst investment someone can make as far as depreciation. It seems the most economical and practical solution would be to rent a motorboat if only taking it out a handfull of times a year. I would however consider a boat if you are dead set on working the extreme lower section of the Meramec, around Fenton George Winter Park and lower to Arnold and possibly out to larger rivers. I would be a little hesitant in using a small kayak or canoe regarding safety in larger waters and or high water situations. All this said, I'm sure their are places further up stream, but am a bit biased and not really for adding more motorboats to our congested river and smaller stream systems.

I would suggest a kayak or canoe or hybrid type setup along those lines if wanting to do stream or small river floating. Renting again may be the best option for someone if only doing this a handful of times a year. And if wanting to fish on large lakes and rivers i'm sure for ideal results this requires either two separate types of boats, or one expensive boat.

You also may find as the kiddos get older, they may have different interests, and kids grow up fast. But not to discourage, if you already do a lot of floating, boating and spending time on the river, and in and around Pacific MO a Jet boat purchase might be the right choice.

I've owned a kayak and have several relatives who own and owned boats. I sold my kayak due to low use, and my relatives swear after many years owning a boat, they would never purchase a boat again. And they have used their boats at the Lake of The Ozarks for over 30+ years and are of all ages. Personally, I'll stick to renting due to the type of floating and type of rivers and streams I frequent until renting is no longer an option. Canoe or kayak portage fees usually run the same amount as a rental.

Also, Creve Couer lake is restricted to boats with no motors...except for the boat races. Not many bass in this lake, except for any loose stockers. You would have to get there right during the stocking, as this water is highly polluted and low oxygen levels directly linked to subdivision and farm pesticides, animal waste, street and yard runoff, and even an occasional documented raw sewage discharge from creeks along Creve Couer Mill Road. Mostly carp, drum and gar if any. By the way, no swimming there either.

Happy fishing!

"In golf as in life it is the follow through that makes the difference."-unknown

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