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hit the big lakes, the smaller ones are essentially catfish lakes. haven't been out there within the last couple of weeks, but it pays to rent a boat and fish from it instead of fishing from shore.

Fish On Kayak Adventures, LLC.

Supreme Commander

'The Dude' of Kayak fishing




It's going to be awfully hot. Fishing is going to tough in the middle of the day. You might try early morning or the last hour in the evening. BWL can be a great place to fish but during a heat wave in the middle of summer might not be the best time.

His father touches the Claw in spite of Kevin's warnings and breaks two legs just as a thunderstorm tears the house apart. Kevin runs away with the Claw. He becomes captain of the Greasy Bastard, a small ship carrying rubber goods between England and Burma. Michael Palin, Terry Jones, 1974


I think I remember the MDC website mentioning that Lake 33 has and will have some dam maintenance or something going on for a couple months, so the water is supposed to be real shallow there. Might want to avoid that one.


I don't know. Dropping lake 33 may concentrate the fish, make them easier to find. Sounds interesting, the upper third if 33 is silted in and very shallow, I'm courious to see what it wlll look like when drawn down. If MDC had the budget lake 33 would be a good candidate for renovation.

His father touches the Claw in spite of Kevin's warnings and breaks two legs just as a thunderstorm tears the house apart. Kevin runs away with the Claw. He becomes captain of the Greasy Bastard, a small ship carrying rubber goods between England and Burma. Michael Palin, Terry Jones, 1974


good thing at Busch this time of year is that when you catch them they are already poached and ready to eat, just add a little salt.



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