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Bass Pro had a father's day add special on the Taurus PT-22 Poly. A small polymer framed, tip-up barrel 22 rimfire pocket pistol. So popular that by the time I got up to BPS they were out, but issuing rain checks. Well, it came in last week, and I picked it up Friday. No range time yet, but first impression is very good. A great, natural feel, and pointing ability. Because the slide is open for the barrel to pop up it is very light in weight, and doesn't make the gun feel top heavy as my other polymer frame guns. Even the little LCP has a bit of top heavyness about it.

With the weather cooling down, and a couple of honey-do projects ending I hope to get to the range sometime this week to run a couple hundred rounds through it.

With this latest purchase my "tupperware" collection has grown to eight. XD40 Sub, Glock G20, LCP, KAHR CM9, Taurus Judge PD Poly, Hi-Point C9, Walther P22, and now the Taurus PT-22 Poly.

Might be time to get back to buying metal. That charter Arms Bulldog 44 Spcl. is still on my short list along with a Taurus 992 4" SS. But then again, so is a Ruger LCR, and a Kel Tec PMR 30!

Real men go propless!


My son has a P22. I'm definitely I the market for a Taurus 992, but I want blued. I also want the GSG 1911 style .22. The LCR sure would be nice.

Every Saint has a past, every Sinner has a future. On Instagram @hamneedstofish


The 992 seems to be hard to find. The only one I have seen was at the Taurus booth at the Expo during the NRA convention in St. Louis. I really don't know why I want it more than the 990. I already have a Heritage Rough Rider with the Long rifle, and 22 Magnum cylinders. I don't ever use the magnum in it. Just unique, and cool to have I guess. Same for the Kel-Tec PMR 30. Just want one "cause it's there".

Real men go propless!

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