Members Lunker Hunter Posted October 15, 2006 Author Members Posted October 15, 2006 it was caught wading in the trophy water with one generater running
jOrOb Posted October 15, 2006 Posted October 15, 2006 That seems uncalled for. I for one see no reason for you to give attitude toward the forum, or toward everyone here. A couple of people voiced opinions which you apparently didn't appreciate. If that hurt you that deeply, perhaps you are due some soul searching. This forum has always been dedicated to freedom of speech. Opinions are welcomed, even if some disagree. So a few people didn't like your killing a big fish, big deal. If you feel no guilt, then what is the problem. I would point out that it was Phil that first posted in support of you. It was a beautiful fish. I am glad that you had a great day on Taneycomo, and I thank you for posting honestly about how you caught it. I also am a catch and release advocate, and would gladly discuss catch and release vs catch and kill if you are interested. And I would like to know how you prepared it for the table, if you did eat it (I didn't know if you were going to mount it or eat it). jOrOb "The Lord has blessed us all today... It's just that he has been particularly good to me." Rev MacLean
Root Admin Phil Lilley Posted October 15, 2006 Root Admin Posted October 15, 2006 by the way you all have lost my appriciation towards this website. ????????????????? I don't understand that statement.
Members Lunker Hunter Posted October 15, 2006 Author Members Posted October 15, 2006 mount................. sorry about the last post i guess i just took the comments the wrong way
Danoinark Posted October 15, 2006 Posted October 15, 2006 Lunker Diverse opinions are what makes this a great board. Be sure and stick around and offer yours. I posted on another thread that C and R vs Catch and Kill is an ethical issue and it's always going to spurn debate...Dano Glass Has Class "from the laid back lane in the Arkansas Ozarks"
griffin Posted October 15, 2006 Posted October 15, 2006 Ya'll sure have become high strung over here. Nice fish!!! jOrOb - what's with the 'tude?? Can't a man be a catch and eat zealot to counteract the C&R zealots? And what about the zealots of advocates??? For the record.....I much prefer C&R just sounds better. griffin
Root Admin Phil Lilley Posted October 15, 2006 Root Admin Posted October 15, 2006 Hey Griffin! How about those Cardinals!!
Terry Beeson Posted October 15, 2006 Posted October 15, 2006 LH, I'm very happy that you will stay on the forum. Any of my comments about C&R are simply meant to plant the seed to make anyone on this forum think about the aspects of C&R and not to "bash" anyone for doing what is perfectly legal and that they feel is ethical. In my original post, you should take a look at what I actually said... "I take it those eggs are no longer in Taney".... For all I knew, you had taken this picture and then walked over to the water and released her. I was willing to leave it at that with the idea that if you did release her, good... if not, maybe it would at least spark a personal debate with yourself about releasing such a fish. But a comment from someone about being a "C&R zealot?" Even if meant as a joke, I had to respond... Take into consideration on ANY comments from anyone that it is very difficult to articulate emotions on a website posting. These are typed words and you may well read them in a tone that is not in line with the writer's intentions. I try to make my comments as "vanilla" as possible (unless I'm ribbing Dano or Phil... or others I know personally...) but sometimes it doesn't work... And with any comment I read that I take offense to, I will re-read it and try to understand the meaning behind the comment. As I have said, that certainly was a very nice fish and every fisherman on this forum is very jealous of your catch... whether C&R or not... but, in my case, I'm jealous in a good way... the thought in my head when I saw the picture was "dang... wish I had caught that one..." I will say this... other than a few "it's legal" comments, I've heard no comments on why it is ethical to take a spawning fish home.... (unless there has been some on the C&R debate thread which I've not checked this morning...) I at least expected to hear someone say something to the effect that "taking only one fish when hundreds are spawning." or "Reproduction in Taney is so limited it doesn't matter." (By the way... Trout in the tailwaters of the White have always been programmed towards a "put and take" system by AGFC and MDC...) I harbor no ill feelings towards any fisherman who stays within the limits of the state fishing regulations. You will find that I have been in your shoes in the past. But now I have changed my beliefs and simply wish to give a gentle "nudge" about C&R. And many thanks to Phil who has let this debate run without any editing or censorship. That's what makes this forum great to me. That's what makes this country great as well... This is a FISHING forum and I also belong to a FLY fishing forum... The two are quite different.... But even in that forum, you will find debates on issues where fly fishermen are not in agreement. (Gloves or no gloves...) There are many debates that can be opened on this type forum. Spin vs. fly... PowerBait vs. artificials vs. live bait... Boats vs. wading... We all have our opinions about them and we all should share in the debate. Again, I am happy to see you continue to share on the forum. And I'm happy for you in your very successful fishing trip. Continue to share... We all like "fish porn" here... And Griffin.... I prefer "C&R Jedi" myself.... TIGHT LINES, YA'LL "There he stands, draped in more equipment than a telephone lineman, trying to outwit an organism with a brain no bigger than a breadcrumb, and getting licked in the process." - Paul O’Neil
Greg Posted October 15, 2006 Posted October 15, 2006 Terry - I would also like to thank Phil Lilly for the way he runs this board. There is one particular very popular fly fishing board where the site administrator jumps in at every chance and either shuts down or belittles anyone with an opinion he does not agree with. If you dare to disagree with him (even respectfully) - he sends you a PM telling you that you have a negative attitude and threatening to kick you off his board. Sounds unbelievable but it is true. Running a forum like this can't be easy. I'm sure it has it's rewards but plenty of headaches as well. I think our OAF site administrator has it right. Greg "My biggest worry is that my wife (when I'm dead) will sell my fishing gear for what I said I paid for it" - Koos Brandt Greg Mitchell
Terry Beeson Posted October 15, 2006 Posted October 15, 2006 Greg, I know the one you're talking about and have not been on that one in ages due to the comments, bans, etc. If you're going to have a forum like that, fine... That's for the administrator to say. I would rather be on one that takes the view that Phil, Jimmy T, and John take... Makes for a better overall forum... in my opinion. I will also say this and then shut up... What our forefathers taught us years ago almost caused the demise of hunting and fishing in the country of any kind. Thank God for a few individuals that saw the need to conserve these resources so that you and I could enjoy them... I just hope our grandkid's grandkids can enjoy them too... TIGHT LINES, YA'LL "There he stands, draped in more equipment than a telephone lineman, trying to outwit an organism with a brain no bigger than a breadcrumb, and getting licked in the process." - Paul O’Neil
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