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I finally got a chance to wet a line on the "blue ribbon" section of the LIR. A couple buddies and I took our kayaks over to float from Watts. The generation was erratic as usual, but the kayaks definitely helped. Even with sinking line I found it really tough to get a streamer down low while navigating a kayak at the same time. Now I know why those guys love their drift boats!

When the water started to drop it was like somebody rang a dinner bell. We found a great pool above a long riffle and had a great time targeting rising fish on dries. We hooked fish out of that pool for about an hour until the water receded all the way. After that it was back to the regular nymphing.

Overall it was a great trip. Perfect weather, beautiful Fall colors and some really healthy fish!

More photos of the trip over on my blog if you're interested.






to life!





Makes me want to get a Kayak. :)


We all make decisions; but, in the end, our decisions make us.


Is that with a GoPro? Cool to see that on our home river! I'm pretty sure I caught that rainbow with that spot on its head just a few weeks ago. It was one of the thickest fish I've had there. It seemed to have quite a big of hook in its jaw as well!

- Nick

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I just bought the Olympus TG1. It's a cool little camera.

My guess was that he survived a bald eagle attack. He's a fighter.

to life!




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Hey guys,

Pretty new to the forum and the area. Very nice pics. Assume the 'blue ribbom' section is the area behind the commercial gravel pit that I understand they dont allow access through anymore? Wondering if anyone knows if you can access from the other side of the river? On google maps I see a road that comes in off Moonshine Rd - Bootleg Rd - that appears to go straight to the river and would be extensiion of the rd that goes through the gravel pit on the west side; anyone know if that is public access to the river down that road?


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Hi Jim,

Welcome. The term Blue Ribbon should be read with a healthy amount of sarcasm. It's just exciting to explore new water and find a little space on crowded days.

I've never approached the river from that side, but I have seen that road. From the water, it looks like private land and is actually a really pretty area. I'm sure you wouldn't be the first one to try it out though. Can't hurt to ask!

to life!




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There"s a strip of land between where the road ends and the water is. Its marked heavily, with no trespassing signs, and even a gate if i remember right. I checked it out one day, but wasn't willing to risk leaving my vehicle parked there.


Just walk in from Marvals and hike upstream, it's not that far. We did it a couple weeks ago. It fished good with small streamers. We were gonna float in the drift boat but they decided not to generate. Total bummer...


...I'm haunted in my dreams of waters I have yet to fish and trout I have yet to catch...

Chasing the Dream...

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Thanks - got to looking closer and figured was a reasonable walk from Marval; will give it a go next time I'm out.

Get anything of size out of that section?

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