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Started fishing at 4:00 A.M. and fished till 7:00 A.M. Fished the riffles above rebar and down to the rebar hole. Caught 4 browns over 24 inches and 2 in the 20-22 inch range. Also caught one rainbow over 20 inches. 3-4 fish under 20 and all of them on a flashaboo white conehead size 8 with a little orange flash in it. Best trip yet at Taney for me. Took a few pics and then the battery went dead. All fish survived and released this time. Also saw a bald eagle hanging around this morning.gallery455f41749d07f.jpg




A Little Rain Won't Hurt Them Fish.....They're Already Wet!!

Visit my website at..

Ozark Trout Runners


  • Root Admin

You would have to put alittle orange flash in it... something else I have to have Leonard tie for the shop. :)

Nice pics! Thanks!!

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg


I fished from 7 - 9 this morning... wasn't too awful crowded I didn't think. I found pretty steady action on rainbows using globalls (at the bottowm of rebar), and small browns were taking a bead-head pheasant nymph pretty good from rebar to outlet #2.



Nice report and congrats on a heck of a trip.

How about a photo of the fly in question.


"This is not Nam. This is bowling. There are rules."


I'll get a photo of the fly up tomorrow. Need batteries for the camera


A Little Rain Won't Hurt Them Fish.....They're Already Wet!!

Visit my website at..

Ozark Trout Runners



I love this. I am coming back on Thursday night. PLan to be fishing Friday and Saturfay. I promise to keep track of my wife.

But I am told to use olive scuds, beige scuds or black midges.

Now this guy flashes a little orange and he has a 20+ inch brown.

What's the report for next week. What should we use, were should we go? I plan on hitting 3 shops that I heard about here.

Looking forward to stopping at Phil's Friday afternoon.

See ya then.

Yes, I'm That Guy


Here's a couple of pics of the fly. I used "wings n flash" in pearl and shell pink (looks orange to me) from BPS on size 6 streamer hook with small brass flavored cone head




A Little Rain Won't Hurt Them Fish.....They're Already Wet!!

Visit my website at..

Ozark Trout Runners




Different flies at different times under different situations. And then there is the technique - slow one time, fast the next.. drift... strip... indicator... stand on one foot and turn counterclockwise three times with your left hand in the air and nose pointed towards the water...

And then... sometimes it works for me, but won't work for you.

Bottom line, take all information with a "it worked for them, but will it work for me?" Some guys find a good combination, start with it, and do well. Others (like me much of the time) spend the first hour or two casting different flies and testing techniques until I find something that works.

THEN it may be a matter of timing. I've been on the river with fishermen lined up using different flies and baits, using different techniques, and nobody catching anything. Then all the sudden, every rod on the bunch is bent.

I swear one time on the Spring River in Arkansas at Bayou Access... three fly fishermen - one fishing scuds under an indicator, one fishing a dry fly, one (me) fishing a soft hackle. Five bait casters... one fishing redworms under a bobber, two fishing baits - one Mepps, one jointed minnow. The other two had power bait. We were fishing all morning with nobody catching anything. Then... all the sudden one had a fish... then another... then a double... in the next hour, the bait guys had caught their limit of nice fish having thrown several smaller ones back. The fly guys had caught numerous fish.... but... then nothing. The bait guys loaded their catch and left. The fly fishermen stayed another two hours with no luck. I went home after that...


Nice fish and nice pics.



"There he stands, draped in more equipment than a telephone lineman, trying to outwit an organism with a brain no bigger than a breadcrumb, and getting licked in the process." - Paul O’Neil

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