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Last weekend, before the snow, I made up some Jika rigs with 1/4 ounce sinkers, split rings, and worm hooks. They worked very well at fishing rocky and timbered areas.

I sat down to make up some more rigs - I had my split ring pliers, split rings, etc. I can do that, but find it to be a PITA. Then it occurred to me ... why not use size 0 duo lock snaps? I had those in black and found it very easy to put rigs together. Have I committed heresy here? Is there some peril I am missing? After all, if these work well, I won't even have to make the rigs in advance. I will just carry a tiny storage box with snaps, hooks, and various size weights.


Well, duh, RPS. If you're not using the very expensive Japanese Jika rigs, you're not doing it right. (Insert sarcastic emoticon here)

Duo locks would make it easy, for sure. I made up a few jika rigs myself the other day, thinking I could use 'em just before the latest front. Didn't quite get to the water, though. BUT, what I did find is that the Northland Tackle Roach Rig sinkers were perfect as the wire eye of the sinker opens and lets you slide it over and then close it around a split ring.  But using snaps...that is intriguing.  It will be interesting seeing what you think of the snaps after some time on the water.


like this idea. good tip. I would like to be able to change out weights and hook sizes for sure. do you have a pic of your Jika? I was just using cheap bell sinkers and split rings with good success.


I made some up the other day using the split ring, bell sinker, worm hook method. I just haven't fished them. I complicate the process by dipping the sinkers in black paint, dunno if that is necessary, but it might matter in clear water.


Look at this:



Doc Seger put me on to this rig last summer I talked to him the other week at BPS seminar. He does not fish plastic worms any way except with tis rig and he also fishes creature baits with this rig. Doc uses Gamakatsu super line red hook size 2/0 and 4/0 salt water split rings. I modified that by atatching the split ring to the hook and then using a snap from the split ring to a bell sinker and that way the weight is below the bait. It is almost impossible to loose this bait in brush or rocks it just doesn't get hung up. Doc now uses a sinker designed for this rig it is narrower than the bell sinkers. I'm at this time unable to do much of anything "bulging disc in my back so it may be awile before I can try the newer sinker but I don't know that it would be any better than the bell sinker but it probably looks cooler and cost a lot more. But cost isn't really going to be a factor this is the first underwater lure I have used that I couldn't get to hang up to the point that I couldn't free it. If you want to find out more Doc has a website www.docsguideservice.net and is on facebook


I'll have to check out that website, thanks!

Nice rig rps.

So do any of you think this rig is better than fishing t-rigged plastics are far as catching more bass? Sounds like it gets hung up less which is a plus, but the bottom line for me is whether it puts more fish in the boat.


I'll have to check out that website, thanks!

Nice rig rps.

So do any of you think this rig is better than fishing t-rigged plastics are far as catching more bass? Sounds like it gets hung up less which is a plus, but the bottom line for me is whether it puts more fish in the boat.

So far I think I get more pickups this way. This rig seems especially good for beaver baits.

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