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  • Root Admin


I'm right in the middle of a rain event (again) writing this fishing report for Lake Taneycomo and can only guess what may happen in the next few days or week as to what generation patterns will be. Lake levels for the lakes above Taneycomo (Table Rock and Beaver) had dropped to levels that merited flows to be less here in the last week, but things may change after rain this weekend.

The Shepherd of the Hills Hatchery stocked 10 loads of rainbow trout last weekend, so catching fish has been good all week. I'd say 10 loads is about 20,000 trout, and the fish should average about 11 inches each. We've had good reports of most anglers catching their limits all this week here on the upper end of the lake.

Generation has been different almost every day, but we've seen fairly long periods of time during the day when there's been no generation, allowing fly anglers to wade and fish below Table Rock Dam. And the trout have been hungry, biting very well for most.  Jig-and-float fishing has been excellent, too, especially up above the mouth of Fall Creek in the trophy area.

Longtime angler Brad Wright reported that he's started to catch trout up below the dam in shallow water flats on a black ant size #18.  He said it has been best with a small chop on the surface.  It won't be long before the fish start looking for grasshoppers and beetles!

There's also been good midge hatches during the day.  Trout are taking a #18 p&p, rusty or black midge under a small indicator.  If it's windy, try a wooly bugger #14 black, olive or white or a #16 red or black soft hackle.

Steve Dickey, one of our fishing guides, called in this report today. the brown trout images posted in this report are all his clients.

Our guests have been using night crawlers below Fall Creek down past Short Creek and doing very well, whether still fishing when the water is off or drifting in the current when it's running.  As Steve Dickey's report says, his clients have been catching a good number of nice brown trout drifting night crawlers "on the flats," which means he's not drifting in the channel but on the flat, shallow side of the lake.

Remember, brown trout must be 20 inches or longer to keep, and you're only allowed one brown per day.  It takes a brown trout about five years to reach 20 inches.  If you catch a trophy-sized trout on Lake Taneycomo and want to have it mounted, remember that a replica made of the fish  saves the fish and also lasts much longer than a skin mount.  I think they even look better.  Take a good picture and measure the length and girth of the fish for a replica.

Note:  Casting Contest is next Saturday, June 8 at the Family Fishing Fair. It's 10 a.m. t0 2 p.m. at the Shepherd of the Hills Hatchery located at the base of Table Rock Dam.

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  • Root Admin

No. Table Rock is above 918. Usually that means big flows but none yet. May be because it's summer now instead of spring they're going to conserve water, not expecting more big rains. May be that's why they're not releasing 4 units right now. But that could change.

So it's anyone's guess. I'd be surprised if this pattern of 1 to 2 units continues. I'd think they would run more and wouldn't be surprised if they started. We'll see.

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Everytime i've called the number this week they have said they are running 3 units. they doing that around the clock right now? sure hoping they shut it down next week some, I love to throw trout magents with no cork, just straight and it's tough to do in that much flow.

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