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Duskystripe Shiner,

Thank you very much for supporting our veterans, for I come from a family that has served this great country. I also respect Bill's comments but I do not care about legs or reinventing the wheel. I love this great country and my great state of Missouri, and enjoy supporting local small businesses in the USA. I also tournament fish and sometimes it does take something a little different to make a huge difference in your catch. I would love to buy some of the Leggy Centipedes and support our Vets! Please let me know how or where I might be able to get them.

Thanks to all that are serving or have served the best country in the world!


Thanks for speaking up and sharing your story. It's funny the arrogance shown on here from time to time. When someone asks a question about equipment or tackle that isn't "Steez", "Pig Sticker", the finest "Shimano", or "Falcon" products, you're pretty much second class. If it wasn't for fine tuning the wheel, we would never make advancements, and how boring would life be doing the same thing, with the same stuff, with the same people day in and day out. I'm sure if your product said "Chompers" it would be the new sliced bread.

Not many of us take the time to craft something new or better, but rather settle on someone elses idea. There's nothing cooler than crafting your own lure, having enough confidence to throw it, and actually having success with it.

Most of all, thanks for doing this not out of greed, but to make a difference for someone else your likely to never meet.


It's funny the arrogance shown on here from time to time.

I appreciate your kind words but did not read any arrogance or disrespect into anyone's post. This is a forum for folks to speak freely. In my opinion, our 1st amendment is one of the best policies in human history and I would hate to see it censored by any type of pressure. We wouldn't need that amendment if we did not see things differently from time to time.

I think this is an extraordinary resource for us to share information, thoughts and opinions. I would hate to see anyone discouraged by being flamed for expressing thoughts and/or opinions.


I have received a bunch of messages asking about availability of plastics. I am happy to provide what I have time to make.

There is no set price or "suggested donation" and I really do not want to mess with collecting any money. There is a Paypal donation option on the charity's website and I have asked folks to donate as they see fit.

If you send me your email & mailing address I will respond individually with what I can send you and what I will be making soon.

NOTE: The plastics made by Danger Close are "reliably deadly" novelty items, not fishing baits. If they were baits, the federal government would require someone to pay 10% of their market value in taxes (yes, even though they are 100% donated). But these are NOT baits and should not be used as such. These plastics are far too dangerous to be used around fish and particular care should be taken not to put them in the water near Small-mouth Bass, Spotted Bass or Large-mouth Bass. Failure to heed this warning may result in rapid consumption of the plastic item by freshwater game fish;)

Mike K.


I appreciate your kind words but did not read any arrogance or disrespect into anyone's post. This is a forum for folks to speak freely. In my opinion, our 1st amendment is one of the best policies in human history and I would hate to see it censored by any type of pressure. We wouldn't need that amendment if we did not see things differently from time to time.

I think this is an extraordinary resource for us to share information, thoughts and opinions. I would hate to see anyone discouraged by being flamed for expressing thoughts and/or opinions.

+1 on this. Mike, It is cool what you did with the centipedes, and sending the proceeds to support our veterans. You have a talent for making plastics that most of us don't. Keep up the good work, and thanks for posting this.

Born to Fish. Forced to Work.


Thanks to all who messaged me with interest in the plastics and your address.

Packages will be in the mail tomorrow before we head out to Northern Michigan for a week. At least I will be able to sneak away one day for some brown bass fishing with a local guide

I hope you enjoy.

Mike K.


I agree with bill.bot only do is the market for of variations and types of lure it is filled with every color of those i every color of the rainbow. Some guy will get on TV and sell you some be cause he is paid to do it. Rolland Martin is one if those who is especially bad about it. I do not like to be pressured about buying anything. All this has just driven up cost of what was a simple sport.

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Do you have an email where I can send you my address. I am new to this the online forum thing and do not want to post my address on forum?

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