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I'm looking for some new outdoor slash fishing related reading material. Instead of buying new, I thought I would ask if anyone wanted to swap books. I have:

Advanced fly fishing techniques by Lefty Kreh

Off the Beaten Path Missouri, A Guide to Unique Places, 9th Edition

Spring Creek Strategies by Mike Heck (a good book)

Tight Lines



Mic a good idea but an even better one is have your library buy it for you. part of the library's job is to purchase books for their clients and a lot of tomes they have no idea what books or magazines people want. My wife was the librarian who did this the last five years before she retired. I never had a book or magazine request turned down and once they start buying someone's titles they usually will buy the new ones. And if you ask them you can get at the top of the list when it comes in.


I normally donate my books to the libary. If this doesn't work out, that is where they are going.

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