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Spending next week at Table Rock. We want to come over one day to TRY and catch a few trout.

I see people use worms how do you set up rigs for this? Do they stay around docks or just let boat float down with current or what.

Also is the ramp by the landing private or public? Anything to worry about hitting in water between landing and highway bridge?

All help greatly appreciated.


To speed up your learning curve go to Lilleys Landing and hire a guide. It will be the best money you ever spent.

  • Members

Id love to get a guide but its not happening this trip. Just spent 2 weeks in Florida and going to Vegas in a month. Im all out of fun money.

Thanks on the spoon Ill give it a try.

  • Root Admin

Ramp at the railroad bridge is public and a good ramp. You can get what you need at Scotty's dock right there. They can also tell you exactly what they've been catching them on in that area of the lake too.

Water is deep in that area - no issues.

We've gotten a big rain this am and lake is muddy with lots of debry but it should be cleared out by tomorrow morning, hopefully I'd think they would start running more water at Table Rock because lake levels are rising quickly.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg


Thompson Buoyant spoon....

Thomas* buoyant spoon. - These are pretty killer. I don't have much experience trout fishing, but I spent a few days this spring in Branson with the inlaws so I hit up taneycomo in the mornings. These things are awesome. You can use a light spinning set up on these and it will work just fine. Cast upstream and retrieve it back to you jerking it as you bring it home. I had no trouble limiting out.


Any color is good - I like the Rainbow Trout color a lot. If there's pretty good current I like to cast across the current and holding my rod tip high, let the current "swing" the spoon downstream in an arc. Another good trick is to hold the rod tip up and then lower it quickly to throw slack in the line - the spoon will wobble down until the line goes tight again unless a fish nails it right then - and they often do.

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