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With the Democrats commeting about the Republicans having complete control of the government for quite a while now. Will the people vote for complete control by the Democrats in two years?

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I quit writing checks to either party, nationally. I send my money to the League of Conservation Voters, and allow them to disperse the money where it'll do the most for the environment.

"Many go fishing all their lives without knowing it is not fish they are after." Henry David Thoreau

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I believe they all sould have term limit's on them. They get in there and they become God like. Just to show how bad it is my state Montana voted for term limit's and they over turned it said there was something in the states constitution that they could over turn it. Bunch of you know what if you ask me.

I do agree with Chrlie Rangle that the young sould have to serve our country. To many of them run there mouth with no experence. Maybe not in the mititary but there are other things they could do to help this country out.

The one thing that burned my butt a little in this last election was all the people without serving running there mouth and knowing everything about everything. I e-mailed a few of them and asked how they knew so much without ever serving in the mitltary. You wouldn't believe some of the answers I got back. Like this one. "Military personal do not have any rights while they are serving" That is a new one to me. I think they can vote and when in civilian clothing they have all the rights that none military do?

I wrote back to this guy and asked him if he had ever pout is butt on the line for anything or did he just get the right to run his mouth from his daddy. Never got an answer back. Wonder why? Ron

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Speaking of conservation issues.....Other than the fact that hollywood and the press prefer one party over the other what is the actual difference between a Republican and Democrat?

Who was the first republican?

Was Teddy Roosevelt Republican or Democrat?

Which president made the first national park and what was his party affiliation?

Just curious.

I would rather be fishin'.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." Benjamin Franklin, 1759

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Gone Fishin', you've hit the nail on the head!!! Remove the labels and vote the issues that are important to you!!!

Clean water, and clean air are my issues, and I vote for people in both major parties.

"Many go fishing all their lives without knowing it is not fish they are after." Henry David Thoreau

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I believe they all sould have term limit's on them. They get in there and they become God like. Just to show how bad it is my state Montana voted for term limit's and they over turned it said there was something in the states constitution that they could over turn it. Bunch of you know what if you ask me.

I do agree with Chrlie Rangle that the young sould have to serve our country. To many of them run there mouth with no experence. Maybe not in the mititary but there are other things they could do to help this country out.

The one thing that burned my butt a little in this last election was all the people without serving running there mouth and knowing everything about everything. I e-mailed a few of them and asked how they knew so much without ever serving in the mitltary. You wouldn't believe some of the answers I got back. Like this one. "Military personal do not have any rights while they are serving" That is a new one to me. I think they can vote and when in civilian clothing they have all the rights that none military do?

I wrote back to this guy and asked him if he had ever pout is butt on the line for anything or did he just get the right to run his mouth from his daddy. Never got an answer back. Wonder why? Ron

I agree Ron. Mother nature gave people two ears, two eyes but only one mouth for a reason. It seems obvious that mother nature meant for people to hear and see a lot more than talk. Unfortunatly the talkers dont seem to understand this and they need to learn and understand what they are talking about before running off at the mouth.

I would rather be fishin'.

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." Benjamin Franklin, 1759

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