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  • Root Admin

I've been helping with a new "church" or "ministry" here in the Branson area. Wanted to invite anyone in the area who might like this kind of gathering.

We're meeting every other Tuesday at Brandon William's archery/feed store at the 65/Hollister exit south of Branson. It's across from Walgreens close to Lowes. We are meeting tonight.

The indoor archery range is now ready. I'll be there about 5:30 to shoot. Dinner is at 6:15 and meeting is at 7:00 p.m.. Last meeting some guys shot after the meeting was over.

The meeting is geared towards men who don't necessarily like "church". It's non invasive, usually starts with fishing reports, we have guys come and share a song, usually country, people like Clay Self from Big Cedar. Then either Brett Potter or Travis Loewen share a life lesson. Two weeks ago Travis brought one of his pot bellied pigs as an object lesson.

We meet Tuesday nights because most outdoorsmen are... outdoors on Sunday morning.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg


Clay Self is great!



Phil, that's great! I like that idea. Keep up the good work! And, good for you, Leonard!


We all make decisions; but, in the end, our decisions make us.


I'll be down in Branson on the17th. Wasn't gonna take my bow down just a fishing week. Anyone else gonna go?

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