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post-296-0-37175400-1383345709.jpgWater is still low and clear, C&R season starts nov. 8th this year and should open with
great fishing condtions, the water will be clear, not much rain expected the first few
weeks in nov.
Usually the hatchery stocks some nice fish and this year will not be different, the 100 or so
3-6 lb rainbows are ready to be stocked, and on top of that there will be several thousand
more 12-16" trout stocked for the lucky anglers that fish during the winter C&R season.
Big flies are good the first day or so, I usually start with a good sized woolybugger and then
san juan worms and glo-balls will work all day, if you like nymphing then a pheasant tail,
gold ribbed hares ear, copper john or a burlap in sizes #14-#18's will be very effective all
day long.
Still expect to see some good hatches all winter, we have midge activity everyday, small #20 and
smaller para adams, or griffiths gnat in the same sizes will work for most of the midges.
There will be Caddis, Blue wing olives and even a few sulphurs coming off most every day.
Roostertails with a single hook and some feahters are legal during the C&R season, as are jigs
and glo-balls, every year I hear that someone is fishing roostertail and they are irritated because
they think it is illeagle, well it isn't missouri has a very broad interpitation of what a fly can be.
You can spin fish anywhere you want in the park, during the winter C&R season, as long as you
have a fly on the end of your line.
I reccomend 2,3 or 4lb line the first weekend or two of C&R, as the fish become more wary we
will all have to drop to 2, or 3 lb line, if you are fishing a spin rod, avoid braided, or flo. colored
monofiliment lines, if you are fly fishing almost any of the fly leaders out there will work, remember
cheap leaders in 2lb are often not 2lb dia. make sure if you are fishing a leader that is a 6X it tapers down
to .005 and if it is a 7X it tapers down to a .004, if not it won't work well.
I'm using 9' leaders all the time, I rarely use shorter leaders.
Remember all plastic lures and rubber lures are ileagle to use, no powerbait is leagle and no lure with
trebble hooks is alowed during the C&R season.
So, no plastics, no rubber and no treble hooks.
Dropper flies are allowed.
Only zones 1 and 2 are open during the C&R season, stay out of zone 3, it is closed nov 1st-feb. 28
Good luck this year, the water looks good and should be a great C&R opening this year.

Tim's Fly Shop
Tim Homesley

23387 st. hwy 112



Tim Homesley

23387 st. hwy 112

Cassville, Mo 65625

Roaring River State park

Tim's Fly Shop



....trying to decide wether or not to brave opening day. I would get down there around noon, is it shoulder to shoulder for most of the day? I already have time off work, just didn't realize it was opening day (at least the river will be open)


Not usually that busy on opening day of C&R

Tim Homesley

23387 st. hwy 112

Cassville, Mo 65625

Roaring River State park

Tim's Fly Shop



It's not too bad at all. Usually you can get a good spot and not have to share it with more than one other angler. The cold will keep a few away early. I've never had a problem finding a place to fish.

If fishing was easy it would be called catching.



What will it be like on Saturday (the 9th)?

Its never that busy during C&R. You won't have a problem finding a place to fish or having one tug on your string.




Sunday won't be busy, unless it is a very nice day, but even then there is plenty of elbow room

March 1st opening day of catch and keep season, is when people are shoulder to shoulder.

Tim Homesley

23387 st. hwy 112

Cassville, Mo 65625

Roaring River State park

Tim's Fly Shop



Planning on being there... Have my flies ready when I come by, Tim... :brzzzzz:



"There he stands, draped in more equipment than a telephone lineman, trying to outwit an organism with a brain no bigger than a breadcrumb, and getting licked in the process." - Paul O’Neil


Ok Terry, they are a waiting for you. Hope you are ready for them, as they are the best and the newest of the flies I've been tying.

Tim Homesley

23387 st. hwy 112

Cassville, Mo 65625

Roaring River State park

Tim's Fly Shop


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