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Nice find Stump Bumper. I feel even better about them knowing a reel mechanic has gone through one. And the fact that he mentioned my BPS Extreme reels.

My first reel was a $125 Quantum PT. I took it back because I backlashed a lot. After trying the BPS Extreme reel, I finally learned how to use a baitcaster. I can't fault the Quantum. My point is, I couldn't see a quality difference between the Quantum and the BPS reel. I also have a $150 Shimano and it's NOT my favorite reel. I've held Shimano Curados and for the price, I don't see the point.

I've had my BPS reels almost 7-8yrs now and they haven't been serviced by a reel mechanic yet. I clean them and re-lube once a year.

Need marine repair? Send our own forum friend "fishinwrench" a message. 

He will treat you like family!!! I owe fishinwrench a lot of thanks. He has been a great mechanic with lots of patience!


I searched all the reviews I could find and found nothing negative. Here is a review by a very trusted reel repairman.


I will check to see if they have any more in the am, think I need at least two now.

Pro Reel services my reels and does a great job, so that's even more impressive that it's not just coming from some guy that tinkers with reels on the weekends. Now I feel like I might need another one or two just to have back ups!


Must have not checked where i did. I checked several. I liked what I saw but they got to be sturdy. But at that price i could have bought 1/2 dozen and switched parts if they failed. The expensive version of that real has been around down south for awhile. That one I did not find any fault with. I seen a breakdown of it on i think U tube and i like the way it broke down. Would be easy to clean. I will wait and see what comes out about them on here. I do like a simpler reel with less parts however.


OK went to Academy to buy TWO at $20, the guy behind the counter said they sold the last one for $20 an hour ago...but they had two for $29.99 left. Well I looked at all the numbers on the sale tag for the $19.99 ones and the $29.99 and they were the same.....so I tried to get it for $19.99. Well the one for $29.99 was a little lower profile by .0001 of an inch and so forth so I gave up and headed to check out with the last $29.99 reel.

Got to the front and the price was $65 with tax :yuush: Well that is where Mr. Dixon flashed back to SFC Dixon and I let loose on the poor little check out girl who started crying and ran for cover. The manager took me to the side and looked up the reel on line and found two prices one for $59.99 and one for $29.99 and said I had the $59.99 in my hand so I told her were she could place it....then she said she would give me the $29.99 deal to get me to leave.

Nice reel, but don't look in Rogers for the price deal and I may need someone to go to Academy for me in the future.


They had litterally hundreds of them left just last week. Black Friday must have pushed a lot of them. Glad I got mine when I did.

Need marine repair? Send our own forum friend "fishinwrench" a message. 

He will treat you like family!!! I owe fishinwrench a lot of thanks. He has been a great mechanic with lots of patience!


They had litterally hundreds of them left just last week. Black Friday must have pushed a lot of them. Glad I got mine when I did.

:yuush: A day late and a dollar short should be on my Grave Stone.

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Ive had that happen twice at Academy. When you see an item for a price and take it up to pay for it and its more. My dad had that happen also. Seems like Im hearing that same story more and more.


I have never set foot in Academy but i will come january. I been looking at the whole kine of H20 reels. I seen somewhere that some of those reels that were going and advertised as alum frames were not. There are H20 reels and then there are H20 reels. Some go as high as nearly $130. They sound good with ten ball bearings etc. i just do not like what i regard as a hustle. Something is screwy with this H20 stuff. If I buy a reel i imagine it will be one of the small Garcia reels that look like miniatures of the big ones. I have one now and do not know its model have had it for years.

That crap of prices just got Walgreen into deep poo poo. Report it to the state.


Old Plug, the H20 reels are not gold plated titanium alloy diamond encrusted reels that are guaranteed to last a lifetime, catch more fish, and make you look good while doing it. :secret-laugh:

They are simply a decent quality reel for an extremely low price. That's why I posted this to share with others. Not everyone has or wants to spend a lot of money on reels.

Most of my reels are lower-end and not the $200-300 reels. I don't have any problems with my lower end reels and I definitely have not had any issues with the H20 reels and the fact that they cast a mile, smooth, I don't get "gear feedback" (feel the spool spinning when casting) like I do with other more expensive reels (Shimano), etc.........well I just thought I would share the bargain that I found. That's all. If I drop it in the lake and it sinks never to be seen again, I'm only out of pocket by $20 vs. $200+.

Are the H20 reels better than a $200-400 Shimano? I hardly think so. Are they charging more for the same reel with camo? Probably....they have that right. Buyers will pay more for "gimmicks". The smart shopper reads past the gimmick.

Oh and 10 bearings or 5 bearings.....it doesn't matter. It's the quality of the bearings that count (I've had many many reel mechanics tell me this as I asked what the difference was)

Need marine repair? Send our own forum friend "fishinwrench" a message. 

He will treat you like family!!! I owe fishinwrench a lot of thanks. He has been a great mechanic with lots of patience!

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