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I sent this Email to CORPS @ Stockton

-----Original Message-----
To: Stockton
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Lake Temps

Approximately what part of the lake do you take the :

"Lake Surface Temperature" and the "River Surface Temperature" readings ??

Plus is it "surface" or one foot down ??

40+ years ago I was told to take readings 10-12" below the surface for a truer
reading ??

Thank you.

The ANSWER from CORPS:::::

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

Good Morning

Thanks for your interest in Stockton Lake.

The readings that we record are taken at the face of the dam for the lake, and
directly below the dam for the river.

The readings are taken near the surface - ~~~ around 6 to 12 inches deep.

Rod Hendricks
Stockton Lake
417 276 3113

"Look up OPTIMIST in the dictionary - there is a picture of a fishing boat being launched"


Maybe it is just me but I have a problem with that. Don't they think the sun shining off the south facing part of the dam would affect the temperature of the top foot or less? Plus with a predominant southerly wind the warmest surface water is going to collect in that area. Plus most of my fish aren't caught in the top 6" to a foot. lol I would rather know the temp 5 or 6 feet down.


As long as its taken in the same place each time it provides a consistent trend in temps not an exact temp of where you or I may be fishing, there is no perfect place to take temps the wind/sun/current/generation etc. all have their effect.


What surprised me is the river temp... I assumed ( and you know what that does ) the the river temp was taken half way up the big or little SAC............

"Look up OPTIMIST in the dictionary - there is a picture of a fishing boat being launched"


Seems the river temp is actually irrelevant from the COE. Good job getting the info zarra.

Kindness is the language the blind can see and the deaf can hear.-- Mark Twain

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