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Made a deal with the wife to go back to Scotland this summer. She insists that I try to flyfish this time. When we went to Ireland several years ago I was overwhelmed with the trip in itself let alone trying to schedule a fishing trip. This time I'm considering it.

Would like any suggestions/comments from any experiences.



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You may want to check out the Fly Tying Forum website, there are tyers from all over the world and I recall that someone from Scotland recently joined. Enjoy the trip, sound lovely.


I hope you really enjoy yourself. I love the idea of fishing everywhere.

My concerns would be twofold ; 1) It seems like a lot of money for the experience and 2) how successful can you hope to be?

I saw a few folks fishing when I was in the United Kingdom. I tried to talk to them about fishing and I was as popular as a known pedophile at an elementary school playground. It was bad.

Every Saint has a past, every Sinner has a future. On Instagram @hamneedstofish

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