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Got on the water again after practice at 10:45 Decided to do something different fished a couple of docks in Bear Den and caught 40 crappie suspended only 6 feet deep. started fishing then to deep but after a couple of fish told me they were shallow it was pretty fast. Caught about half on White Shiney Hineys and the other hale on Minnows. Problem was only 7 keepers. Lots of 7 and 8 inch fish at first then mostly 9 and 3/4, 9~7/8. Strolled my Flickershad pattern in Bear den caught one nice keeper close to shore in 10 feet. hit some brush with wobble bobber and didn't fair to well. Had some bbcue ribs took a quick nap on my back couch seat(why I love this fish and ski. I have it rigged more for fishing but man is it comfortable. My friends call it Cadillac fishing Ha. Stayed way too long trying different things and then decided to go back to mouth of flat before the whiteys got going and see if I could fill my limit of Crappie. hit my regular strolling patter and caught 3 crappie on first pass one was just under 2 lbs and 14.5 inches. second pass caught a 13.5 finally caught several blacks that were 12 inches but they were twice as thick as the white crappie. Then next pass all three rods went down right after I saw a massive school of whiteys on the chart. My brother drove down from Springfield after work and called me to pick him up at Bridgeport so I roared out of their picked him up and shot back . Picked up where I Ieft off Whiteys all over the place at one time all 4 poles we had out went down at the same time right on cue. I told my brother who is a hunter more than fisher get ready we just passed them should be about 20 seconds and wham. it was really cool. Bad thing was I was hoping to fill his limit of crappie but the whiteys would not let a crappie even grab a snack! Couple of guys pulled up said they read my post and that was why they came said they did really well to on the other side of point 15. Chatted a bit with them . Then hit it until dark still biting. They moved out to the drop about 30 minutes before dark. Also had a couple of young guys come over to see what we were doing and They started hooking up right away. I am 49, and the young guy said he was too young to be trolling. I said it was strolling and have been doing it for years even when I was young(is 49 old, I guess so) Don't feel old except for when I get off the water ha! Told him I do way more casting but when everyone is flogging the bank catching males I am hauling in whiteys and crappie hogs and have been doing so for years. Learned it in Arkansas trolling 1/4 ounce road runners tipped with minnows. go about the pace of a fast walk or brisk stroll(strolling) for those of you without speed on your graph, throw them out about 60 feet trolling usually in 12 ~17 feet of water. Since the flicker shad came aboard Road runners and minnows still have their day but the flicker is deadly. Especially the number 5. If anyone has any of the original perch they quit making I will give you $20 dollars for it. Truth be told the Slick Purple Candy is doing the same and I find those 2 are my go to colors. Putting in at Cape Fair tomorrow with my Alma Mater Kickapoo tennis coach and he is going to show me some new hidden brush piles (sorry sworn to secrecy on those) but I will let you know how we do. Will also probably hit Piney and Buzzard. If all else fails probably find me in my Triton with four rod holders strolling around the mouth of flat while it is hot. If you see me holler at me and we'll trade info. Good luck and it has been fun meeting some new fisherman! God Bless!


Another fantastic report and thanks for sharing. I will be out there sometime after I get up to no alarm tomorrow. Will be in a 185 tracker sport jet. See ya out there.

A Little Rain Won't Hurt Them Fish.....They're Already Wet!!

Visit my website at..

Ozark Trout Runners



Sounds like there is gonna be and OAF get together on Flat Creek today. :have-a-nice-day:

A Little Rain Won't Hurt Them Fish.....They're Already Wet!!

Visit my website at..

Ozark Trout Runners


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