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Not seen any striper yet. 0 action in cedar and fords creek. Probably not in the right spot, fords is pretty big. Got into two schools of hybrid off point 6 at 8:00 pm. Help guys. My little girls last day tomorrow. I want her to land more than 3 fish before I take her back home. Anyone found the striper honey hole yet? I promise to only bogart it for tomorrow morning. :).

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Hate to ask a dumb question. Where is coppermine?

We hit point 4, 5, bank across from that big rock between point 5 and 6, then point 6. Saw a few small splashes, nothing too big. Then moved over to the point before point 6. The one with the starkey/rocky sign on it. Just casting at the point and waiting and wammo! Handed the rod off to my little girl. She got one more before her trip was done. We got it to the boat after she fought it for 20 minutes. It was belly hooked. Big splash, we got wet, and he got away. Oh well. I'd guess him 15 - 20 lb. She still had fun.

No idea if I went the correct direction. I couldn't find a coppermine on my lake map.

Now it's just me for the rest of the week. If you think you can web post me a general idea of where coppermine is I'd appreciate it.

Thanks for the help


Coppermine is a resort on the south side of the lake about halfway between 12 Bridge and Rocky Branch. There is a large dock there that is hard to miss. To the west of the dock, there is a large tailings pile from an old mine. The tailings form a large underwater hump that fish tend to gather around sometimes. It is straight west of point number 9.

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