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Last time I was there, I saw about 20 SM fish heads floating in the water and too many floaters on the water and camped at snow. I decided to stop posting reports with location. I'll do what other's do and post in the Smallmouth Talk area w/o specific location. I don't have anything against catch and cook...just don't want my reports to be used for that purpose. I CPR all my SMB. Too many other fish in the area that can be cleaned.


I eat walleye, crappie , catfish, sometimes LMB or Spotted Bass, and rarely Rainbow trout. I don't ever plan on being hungry enough to eat smallmouth bass.

CC already gets a LOT of pressure. I won't ever communicate about CC in a way that a search engine can find because I don't want to bring any extra pressure on CC. It's a special place that has been talked about too much already. Yet, it is unappreciated and treated badly by some of those living closest to it. Maybe people that grow up near the Grand Canyon think its just a big hole in the ground.

Every Saint has a past, every Sinner has a future. On Instagram @hamneedstofish

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