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Thanks seen the water level there today turnback super low may have to drag canoe there next weekend lol !

steak j !!!


talked to a couple Greenfield guys today and they put over 75 crappie in the boat at CC yesterday mostly dinks tho. They did manage a decent mess in fact I ate a few for lunch today. it wont be long now with the warm rains coming this week. We are thinking the walleye should already be on the move but like you say Turnback is awful low. i didnt dare try last time i was up there and that was feb. 13th. We went below spfld. cove and caught two limits on a traditional spring staging pile in 14.6 fow right on the edge of the channel that broke into 30 fow. Good luck and hope you get on them good this week.

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Thanks I seen all the boats sunday at cc plan on getting out there later this week come on warm rain lol!

steak j !!!


yep the rains coming out of the south and posed to start late this afternoon or evening. FYI Dill said theres very little water in sons creek at Campbell Ford and the channel has swung to the south side of the low water bridge. We get some water coming down Sons it should be good by the weekend.

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Hey thanks will ponder heading that way will watch to see info between now and this weekend I promised my son a trip to roaring river so may sneak that way thursday or monday !

steak j !!!


Stacy we heard the whites made a move up the big sac today. Dill talked to a local that said he caught 23 up at Halston bridge today. Cant confirm but the info is pretty reliable. take it at its worth but since you live so close it might be worth a try.

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Thanks I had to take son to get a cast on leg yesterday fished last night half hour before dark at hulston no whites but a couple small smallmouths on swimming minnow will try this afternoon before rain I hope but thanks for the headsup!

steak j !!!

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