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Left PC and went to dam and area on both sides and the campground Island-0. Headed south not much luck until pea gravel secondary point caught one and lost one. Of all stops only one with fish. BB in 14 ft of water .85 to 1.05 mph. Gold spinners ith night crawlers. Good day only 3 short of a limit. Oh 221/2.


There have been enough days for me where I would have been happy with one. That looks like a fat female. Eggs? Do we have lake spawners in Beaver? That would be a good thing.


First walleye I've seen in so long...........I am starting to forget what they look like.

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There have been enough days for me where I would have been happy with one. That looks like a fat female. Eggs? Do we have lake spawners in Beaver? That would be a good thing.

The one I caught last weekend was plum full of eggs. I would imagine if they have eggs they spawn right? Last year I was catching males with sperm sacks. Guess they could be like stripers huh? I'm not up to speed on these things. Lol


They don't all run up the river to spawn, any main lake gravel flat should work.

They're not like stripers in that regard.


I come from mid- west rip-rap on dam very good. DOW here sents up their nets at dam. Why?


The AGFC has documented walleye spawns in Beaver Lake by treating all stocked walleye fingerlings with a chemical indicator that shows up for several years in each fish. Yearling walleye captured in fish population samples were tested for the chemical and over 50% had no trace of the chemical. The yearlings without the chemical indicator are believed to be naturally spawned fish. Judging by that information, walleye are beginning to spawn successfully in Beaver Lake.

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