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I d stay up around Taylor Bridge and just follow the shad with a white swimming minnow or grub and if there is any there, they will bite.


Fished the river south of Aldrich bridge on Tuesday, nothing but dink whites and a few crappie, several 15" lmb. Floated from steel bridge to aldrich. Caught more fish on the flats between river mouth and Aldrich bridge than I did in the river. White/Chart swimming minnow, white swimming minnow with orange head were my most successful baits.


I stay around orleans bridge and usually do well. Deeper water and you get fish comming and going from river. Learned after yrs of white bassin farther up river the smaller the fish. I got this info from MDC fish biology team waiting to launch there boat to shock walleye. White bass spawn goes like this....males head up first to fan off shoals. Biggest males will get the first shoal up from lake they run off the little ones to the next shoal And so on till last yrs studs are so far up river they never get to fertilize Eggs. The biggest sows spawn on the first shoal dump eggs and go back to lake. The smaller sows may run to the next couple holes due to lack of males or suitable spawning grounds. Usually putting yourself between the 1st and 2nd shoal up from lake is the hot spot. Im no biologists but its helped me zero in the last 7 yrs when i use to fish whites hard. If youve never seen shoaling spawning whites its crazy. Hundreds of fish you can see right in front of you and wont bite anything its mind boggling. Hope this helps you get a better idea on whites spawn.


Normal water conditions will put first shoal below taylor bridge second at powerline and third below. RR bridge and so on. Hope this helps ya.


It helps me thank you for the info. I'm

Just now getting into white bass fishing. Only ever caught a few on acciden while bass fishing

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