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Anyone want to guess where and with what the pros will be pulling the most Bass out with. I am predicting another boring show

of Alabama rig slinging and most of the top ten fishing below RT12 bridge to Hickory Creek. I don't see much bed fishing going on since early spawners will be small fish.

My back hurts just watching them throw those rigs.lol


I think its a bed fishing, wake bait type of deal.

Although anybody can catch them with the stupid rig, (except for me)

Somebody will camp in the Prairie Creek area looking for retread fish


I think the a-rig isn't allowed this year. Maybe that was in BASS. Can't remember.

Definitely a bed fishing tournament. Fish are shallow and mixed from making beds, on beds, and post spawn all over the lake. They are picky and they can Bute a reaction bait if it's the right one and they can lock jaw and not bite anything unless you drop it in their house and just soak it. My guess from what I've seen.

I'm still estimating a 75lb bag to win. Unless the weather just royally screws things up and shuts down a bite. I heard practice was tough.

Like every year, fishing close to the 12bridge area and PC area to Coppermine will win.

I don't think it will be boring. Then again, this is the only sport I follow and watch so.....it's always entertaining to me. :-)

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I'm not good with posting links, but FLW Wal-Mart doesn't allow umbrella rigs:

12. PERMITTED FISHING METHODS • Fishing is defined as having a lure attached to a line and a rod and reel with the rod in hand. All bass must be caught alive in a conventional sporting manner. All lures must adhere to state regulations. Only artificial lures may be used, with the exception of pork trailers and biodegradable soft baits. Alabama rigs and similar umbrella-type rigs are not permitted. Only ONE fishing rod may be used at a time. Trolling as a method of fishing is strictly prohibited. Trolling is defined as operating the combustion engine to extend a cast or lengthen a retrieve. All bass caught while sight-fishing must be hooked inside the mouth and immediately shown to your co-angler, pro or FLW camera operator for verification.

BFL allows a 5 wire / three hook deal:

12. PERMITTED FISHING METHODS • Fishing is defined as having a lure attached to a line and a rod and reel with the rod in hand. All bass must be caught alive in a conventional sporting manner. All lures must adhere to state regulations. Only artificial lures may be used, with the exception of pork trailers and biodegradable soft baits. Alabama rigs and similar umbrella-type rigs are limited to a maximum of five wires with a maximum of five spinners, five lures and three hooks (single or treble) unless state regulations are more restrictive, in which case state regulations prevail.

If I had to pick one spot from which the winner would emerge, I would pick two LOL!!!

1. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy up War Eagle (the fella with the most scratches on the hull wins)

2. Honey Creek


Somebody will probably fish up near the dam for smallies, not saying they will win, but it seems the past couple of years there's always a couple that use that as their strategy.

Anyone know when it will air on TV?


Revising what I Originally thought it would take to win 68lb bag

I saw way to many fresh beds yesterday with nothing on it or near it which leads me to believe the three tournaments this last week plus average joe anglers picked the bedding fish that were on those. Though I'm sure more will bed this week I think they are getting hammered so hard that bite will only yield an average of 1.75 per male and 3.25 per female.

I would bet anglers will be culling the males as they can but for the most part it will be a daily bag of around 16 to 18lbs per day for the top anglers. There is certainly some big girls running around but they will be much harder to come by with all the pressure. However if someone can locate them at least two days then 70lbs over the four days is possible.


Do you guys think the culling process kills a bunch of fish? Are there tournaments with no culling allowed?


Do you guys think the culling process kills a bunch of fish? Are there tournaments with no culling allowed?

there are other states that dont allow culling.

Of course MLF is totally catch & release.

I hope that format catches on locally, but it would be hard to police that many anglers on the honor system.


there are other states that dont allow culling.

Of course MLF is totally catch & release.

I hope that format catches on locally, but it would be hard to police that many anglers on the honor system.

Wouldn't be that hard really, With the fan base for FLW all they would have to do is ask for FLW Members (non anglers during the tournament ) to be Officials 1 in each boat. The official would verify each fish is legal and that no culling took place along with updates to Social Media and tournament director/social media and media personal. I would bet there would be an incredible line of people volunteering to do it if for no other reason than to get to ride with a Pro and see how they fish.

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