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I've been reading daily on this site for some time. Went out a few times as well. Based on someone's recommendation (maybe Quillback's, not sure) I will be taking a vacation day Wednesday and going on a guide trip with James Whittle. Had a guide trip last week with Bill Babler at Table Rock. I am attempting to fast track my learning curve on fishing techniques for these deep and clear Ozark lakes. Most of my fishing life was spent in the Houston area where 18" of clarity is considered clear and 5' is getting kinda deep.

Few questions, I have my Fishing Spot map spread out on the dining table and use if for reference while reading these posts. It has points of interest containing fishing spots 1-47 and way points 1-22. When someone refers to point 12, are they referring to either of these or something else? I saw a few signs on the lake with large numbers and was thinking maybe this is it.

I've got 62 other questions but I'm tired of typing.



I recommended Babler to you, I don't know any of the Beaver guides.

Usually when someone refers to a location by number, they are referring to those numbered signs.



It's amazing how differently an Ozark lake fishes from a shallow muddy water lake. Had that experience myself recently.

Need marine repair? Send our own forum friend "fishinwrench" a message. 

He will treat you like family!!! I owe fishinwrench a lot of thanks. He has been a great mechanic with lots of patience!

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