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Back to the original question...which is a healthy one to discuss now and then...MY OPINION is that a top-notch Internet forum should be an unbiased source of information from as wide of an array of sources as possible without regard to commercial interests. In a free speech and free association environment where money doesn't play a role, the TRUTH and the BEST IDEAS will always win out eventually. It's a ruthlessly fair way to do things. Thus, the consumer gets the info he/she comes there for in the first place and the commercial interests involved are all on an even playing field.

I also believe that if an industry person doesn't want to provide that sort of public service in his industry, then he should't even have a BBS on his website...maybe just a blog where he edits any and all replies to his own column. But...again...that MY OPINION. Sort of an "ideal" of what things "should" be.


"How little do my countrymen know what precious blessings they are in possession of - and which no other people on Earth enjoy."

Thomas Jefferson

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Guest flyfishBDS

In a free speech and free association environment where money doesn't play a role, the TRUTH and the BEST IDEAS will always win out eventually.

Here's another interesting debate we perhaps should have in another thread.

That perfect world you speak of simply can't exist. Free speech only exists as far as defamation/discrimination/common sense and good taste allow. Commercial interests are but one of a series of biases we all carry, writers and readers alike.

These style of bulletin boards, like a lots of "new media" are pretty indiscriminate. You never know what "quality" of information your getting. Ask a question and the information could be coming from an idiot or a genius _ you never know. perhaps coming from someone with an commercial axe to grind or maybe a personal one _ you never know

What's worse a "professional" shop owner who pushes a rod to sell it or a guy whose never cast anything else in his life pushing a rod becsause its all he knows. Either way your not getting good advice

Look at it another way, should I not talk about Sage rods, even thought I used them for 10y before I got "commercial" or Rio flouroflex Plus, which I used similarly _ and started carrying it because I'd used it.

As I said the perfect world doesn't exist.

Its really is reader beware, pick and choose the information rather than swallowing the last opinion they read. Look at the number of posts of the poster, look at their words, the reaction of other posters etc. Be smart.

Since Im in the biz _ everything I say will be taken with a grain of salt LOL. Look at Beeson and his "subliminal advertising gag LOL

THat's why I tagline every post with the store. Prefer to be upfront rather than something hidden. I have my own biases for sure, mostly they aren't commercial or like Rio they in in line with my commercial; interests. I buy stuff in the store cos I like it and it works! On the other hand Im not afraid to deal positivelty with other brands. Hell there is no bad rods over $200.

Personally I like seeing people like Mike, phil Davy, etc etc"professionals" _ there is no time you can say you have learnt it all in FF.

like the blog!



My bent


Of course you are right. I said it was an ideal about how I feel things SHOULD be...in a perfect world, as you say. But because it cannot exist is not reason not to shoot for that ideal. The higher you aim, the higher you land.

I guess the real moral to this story is this: if your goal with a site is the free flow of info, it hurts your credibility every time you decide to restrict it. If there is an apparent or suspected financial motive to it, it really hurts. Phil takes the high ground here on OA and does a darned good job of it. I could name other BBS's where the owner doesn't do a good job of it. They end up with a bunch of cronies and butt-kissers hanging out on their boards telling each other how great and how smart they all are...because they all know how great the owner is, and the owner has decided they are great guys too. BARF! Then there are the sites where the moderators are so heavy-handed and caustic that the participants are afraid to say anything very candid or bring up potentially controversial subjects...no matter how important they are.

That's kind of distillation of what I have observed over the 12 years I've been doing the on-line hunting and fishing thing.


"How little do my countrymen know what precious blessings they are in possession of - and which no other people on Earth enjoy."

Thomas Jefferson

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Guest flyfishBDS

This issue of "clique-ness" is an interesting phenomenon, one of the first I joined 11-12 years ago is associated with the magazine I write for back home Flylife.

In the last year there have been a few mentions about clubbiness etc. Now this remains one of my favorite boards, you can meet a bunch of serious Aussie gurus, get in touch with great guides/lodge operators, and share tales with amglers all over the country. Lots of good advice directions etc etc. Very few arguments, lots of humor.

But I think the perception of clubbiness came becasuse there are a bunch of us who were there at the beginning, who stayed because it was so good, through the crashes format changes etc etc etc. We have had births, deaths, marriages divorces etc the normal goings on of every family. The Flylife Board has been part of my whole FF life, from the days I new nothing and was a sponge, to now where I know enough to know how much there still is to learn.

Now the Board's very success seems to be a deterrent for some _ yet they would be welcomed wholly if they joined in (just don't big note yourself as per my post earlier).

Good boards have a mix, old stagers and new blood, balancing the two is the key. And its less about the owners (though I can think of one big one that the owner is a deterrent to me) and more about the participants who make it good or bad.

I think we have two very good ones here in the region, though I take RR comments onboard.




We concur on all points, Steve. Success does actually come with its own down-side. And longevity also carries with it that intimidation factor for newcomers. It's just that whole "new kid in school" phenom, but folks tend to think they are being slighted and that it's because the regulars and old-timers are "cliquish." Not usually. They just KNOW EACH OTHER already. Stick around, participate, recognize and respect the tenure of their established relationships, and sooner rather than later they will know you too. And you will be a "regular."


"How little do my countrymen know what precious blessings they are in possession of - and which no other people on Earth enjoy."

Thomas Jefferson

(This disclaimer is to state that any posts of a questionable nature are to be interpreted by the reader at their own peril. The writer of this post in no way supports the claims made in this post, or takes resposibility for their interpretations or uses. It is at the discretion of the reader to wrestle through issues of sarcasm, condescension, snobbery, lunacy, left and or right wing conspiracies, lying, cheating, wisdom, enlightenment, or any form of subterfuge contained herein.)

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