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Fished over the last three days with my best buddy. We put a lot of time on the water and I got to explore places I have never been. We fished a lot but also did a fair amount of sight seeing. That said, here's how fishing was. 

We fished from the dam all the way to Horseshoe Bend(not all same day), and managed to catch fish at all of the places we fished. Water temps ranged from 77-80. It was dead calm and sunny except for this morning. And I hate full moons. 

I fished spinnerbaits, swimbaits, topwater, crankbaits, shaky heads, and drop shot. The most consistent bite was drop shot. Color preference was truly on a case by case basis. I couldn't get bit on topwater or crankbait. 

On a tip about some stripers in the area we were fishing, I switched to a big swimbait and nailed a couple nice smallies. Not to be that guy to talk about the big one that got away, but I will be. I lost the biggest smallie of my life at the net. Until it jumped at the boat, I thought I had a striper. I would have loved to get a pic of that one! Ugh. 

All in all a beautiful weekend but we worked hard for our fish. Drop shot is still my go to for catching fish, just wish I could find a few more decent fish. 





You put your time in and fished with your bud. 


Sounds like a good trip to me.  

I too have lost my biggest fish on Beaver at the boat.  I'll never forget that one.  Mouth was as big as a Folgers coffee can.  It was on a jig and it would have been my first bass on a jig on a rod and reel combo that I won in a raffle from Jimmy Houston.  So I feel your pain. ;-)

Need marine repair? Send our own forum friend "fishinwrench" a message. 

He will treat you like family!!! I owe fishinwrench a lot of thanks. He has been a great mechanic with lots of patience!

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