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(Just because I usually try to avoid the bickering, this time I want to play devil's advocate...)

Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed that not only do "rednecks" have less respect for nature, life, etc., but people in general do not have respect for anything? There are tons of evidence of this, and all we do is say, "Well, that's too bad." When do we actually stop and say we aren't going to put up with it any more??? Whether it's dead birds, dead fish, or dead people, it starts somewhere. I think it's when the parent hears their 3 year old smart off to some one and instead of saying "That isn't nice" they laugh and say "isn't that cute?" Or when their two year old takes a drink from dad's/mom's beer, and they just laugh and give them more. I'm sure I'm not the only one who knows some one who has done this and ended up worse for it. Sure, a sip of beer won't "hurt" a little one, but how about when they are 15 and in rehab? When I hear my son say something mean, I try to correct him. I may not do it right there in front of everyone, but I do let him know that I didn't appreciate it, and neither did that person. Everyone is different, and I sure can't tell anyone how to raise their kids (mine won't clean his own room!) but I can tell you if my son had told a teacher that he "won't come to your stupid school!" and then stuck his tongue out, I wouldn't be the one apologizing to the teacher about it! We seem to live in a society where "everything is relative", and that's just not so. There are absolutes, and no, not just in the liquor aisle!

Soap box is clear now...next? :)

I can bring home the trout...fry it up in a pan...and never let you forget I caught it! 'Cause I'm a woman!


OK... I'm next!


Well, you pretty much said it all, Mrs Ducky...




"There he stands, draped in more equipment than a telephone lineman, trying to outwit an organism with a brain no bigger than a breadcrumb, and getting licked in the process." - Paul O’Neil



Well! it is not just you feeling this way :) I also agree, to me NO one wants to be responsible for their own actions, blame other :o

1st Case in point: St. Louis mother and son go out on front porch with guns account 15-20 youths throwing rocks and newspapers at their house and yelling for her other son to come out and fight over a girl :mellow: Mother shoots and kills one boy and wounds another :o No 911 phone call made from home prior to shooting :wacko: Now this all took place in a sub-divison.

2nd case in point: Mother buys alcohol for underage son's party, son gets killed in car wreck account drinking :(

Something has gone terribly WRONG with our society :ph34r: When does it STOP?

Maybe I'm just getting to old :blink:

Soap box clear again B)

"God gave fishermen expectancy, so they would never tire of throwing out a line"


American indians can nolonger catch and kill eagles.

Matter of fact they must get all feathers thru the repository.

I did see a young American Indian with an eagle feather hanging from his rear view mirror get a ticket that cost him $10,000. and a dishonorable discharge from the Army.


Mrs Ducky,

Good points! I agree completely. I will even go a step further with the alcohol. How about the parents that sit around with friends or at a restaurant and drink beer after beer with their kids there - and then they are "shocked" when their little precious grows up drinking. I always tell my friend who is always lamenting about his kids behaviour - "Do you think your kids are going to do what you SAY - or are they going to do what you DO"? I would suggest that 99 out of 100 times they will do what they see Mom and Dad DO - even kids can smell hypocrisy. I think it best to lead by example. Walk the talk.

But people do seem to think it is someone else's job to clean up after them - my pet peeve is people walking into Quick Trip or wherever and right before they get in the door they just throw their cigarette on the ground. Complete disrespect for others - and like lots of things, if they will do that, they will most likely be apt to not care much about other people, or animals or the world around them. People that abuse animals abuse people. Usually bad behaviour is invasive. So how to stop it? I guess just try to teach young people the concept of respect and that each one of us is a part of one big whole and everything we do matters.

OK - soapbox back to you Mrs D -


"We are living in the midst of a Creation that is mostly mysterious - that even when visible, is never fully imaginable".

-Wendell Berry-

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