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Crappie Slayers Tournament Series

Lake Pomme De Terre

2017 Schedule

March 18th

April 15th

May 20th

June 17th

July 15th

Aug 19th

Sep 16th

Oct 21st


New this year - Entry fee is $25 per person, as many people in the boat as you wish.


If you want a hard copy of the flier please send me a pm with your full name and address.

Hope to see you there!






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  • 2 weeks later...
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Is there a list of rules for this tournament somewhere? I've heard rumors of people being allowed to trailer their boats to other ramps and certain people not being required to be at the ramp and register that morning and just show up at the weigh in with a bag of fish. This info was given to me from people that have fished the tournament in the past. 



There are a set of rules for the tournament and trailering is allowed.  The trailering is conducted the exact same way all crappie tournaments handle it.  Crappie Slayers, as well as all other crappie tournaments, reserves the right to give a lie detector to any or all winners if deemed necessary. 

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I don't guess I've ever heard of a tournament that allows trailering. So you could literally go fish anywhere? Go to LOZ or Truman or a stocked farm pond? The good ole boy honor system usually works pretty well until there's money on the line. Seems like that just invites dishonesty. What about being required to check in at the ramp that morning? I've heard of people just showing up to weigh in with a sack of fish. 


Trailering is very common in crappie tournaments, Crappie Masters and Crappie USA, the two largest circuits allow it.  We run our trailering the very same way.  In our series, as well as the others, the entry fee is paid the night before or the morning of.  The boats are allowed to trailer to any ramp on the LAKE THE TOURNAMENT IS ON to launch and cannot start fishing until the allotted time.  They are not allowed to fish any other body of water including farm ponds, if discovered such was the case they would immediately be disqualified and never allowed to fish the series again.  If there is ever any suspicion of cheating the winners are, at the tournament directors discretion, required to take a truth analysis test over the phone with a retired highway patrol.  This is common in crappie tournaments and does not cause any problems.  No one is allowed to pay the entry fee and just show up to weigh a bag of fish.  Pomme is a small lake and every boat is seen by other competitors in the tournament.  I personally will see 80-90 percent of all boats during the tournament, I fish both arms of the lake will stop and ask other competitors how the day is going and if they need anything.   

We are a small group of guys and gals who have a great time.  We do not and will not tolerate cheating.  At the last tournament of the year I ask the group if any rules need to be changed, it is discussed and voted on.  Such was the case last October when we changed the entry fee amount.  The trailering rule was added to the series several years ago in the same format.  We invite you to come participate in the series and see what it is all about.  It is more like a gathering of family and friends who go fishing, give one another a hard time and have a lot of enjoyment.  Many lasting friendships have been made through this series and we want to continue in that way.


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This is a great little tournament and Brad is right.  It's as much of a friends and family tournament then any I've been to.  The trailering rule has been in place many years and none of us have ever had a problem. You will never make everyone happy with every rule and that is why Brad always asks everyone for their input and then we vote as a group.  

There is always a way to cheat if someone wants to.  I don't think that is the case with this bunch, and it is a very small lake.  We see each other throughout the day.  I hope you come check it out it's a lot of fun, inexpensive, and friendly.  If you decide to come, bring a sense of humor, and you will fit right in.  

  • 1 month later...
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Good morning Brad,

Is the big fish entry fee included in the $25 per person fee or is that in addition to the $25 per person? If it's in addition to how much is the big fish entry fee?




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