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Hello, Ive been reading the forums for a while now. I am going to be at the lake of the ozarks late June and was wondering if any one had any suggestions on a guide. I am interested in bass and I am not worried about the quantity of the fish but more interested quality fish. If there are any guides on this forum or if any one could point me in the right direction I would appreciate it. Thanks, Jason

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Hello, Ive been reading the forums for a while now. I am going to be at the lake of the ozarks late June and was wondering if any one had any suggestions on a guide. I am interested in bass and I am not worried about the quantity of the fish but more interested quality fish. If there are any guides on this forum or if any one could point me in the right direction I would appreciate it. Thanks, Jason

I would look up a guy by the name of Bill Davenport. 573-337-2030.

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