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I finally was able to make to BSSP this past week for a few days.   Fishing was tough, thought it was me.  Out of practice, lost my mo-jo or whatever but I just couldn't get my groove going.  After a little coaxing from No-Luck I was able to get back on the bike and take off.  Fishing wasn't anything fantastic but it was nice.  

Stripped the full sink just above the dam.  Never really found a good pattern it was almost a one fly one fish attack.   Caught some nice fish but many small ones were in there as well.  

Heard from a fella that Montauk took a big flood hit and lost a ton of fish.  Apparently Bennett and Shepard of the Hills is supporting them with fish.  I guess that is the reason the stream is a little short of fish.  Looked very sparse to me.

No complaints here other than I had to come back to reality.  


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