Bill Babler Posted April 13, 2007 Posted April 13, 2007 I have to say, I have never seen anything more riduculas than paying $4.00 for the privilage of walking the bank to fish on Table Rock lake. I was told today that our lodge guests can no longer use the Parks on the lake to fish the shoreline unless they pay a fee of $4.00. I immediatly went to the park and asked about this. I know we have spoken of this in the past, but I guess I would have been more appauled if I had paided closer attention. She told me any park entrance was $4.00 even to walk the Corp's shoreline. I asked her who owned the national parks, and if this was a maintaince and improvement issue. Fine for non-payment is $75.00. According to this lady the Table Rock Lake parks had over $1,000,000.00 in excess revenue last year, after maintaince. and the Federal Government saw this as a complete "CASH COW" and was going to milk it for all its worth. I don't mind paying my way, but do we really need to pad the coffers of other programs if this is fully funded and has a surplus? Who do we write?!!!! Will it ever be enough??? Gosh, I think I am a good American, but there has to be a limit to the tax we have to pay, too use something we have already paid for.
Members bojack Posted April 13, 2007 Members Posted April 13, 2007 i agree with you.look what they did with house bill 778~~doubled the amount we now have to pay for our 3 year boat tag. it seems that the more they have to spend the more they want.
Randall Posted April 13, 2007 Posted April 13, 2007 that is totally ridiculous. there is no reason to pay to use public ground, especially if they are already making money on the lake. if there is somebody i can write, i will. it seems to me that letters to our state senators and reps should do the trick, or at least let em know we don't like it. Cute animals taste better.
Guest flyfishBDS Posted April 13, 2007 Posted April 13, 2007 Bill _ i'm with you. I had some reports last year of the Corp removing people from the edges of Beaver lake after 10pm. People who had not used Corp access but parked elsewhere and walked in. Corp has 5 accesses at our end of the lake _ all of which require a day use pass on your VEHICLE _ not on your person. IE 4 people in your vehicle one $4.00 fee. So what are they saying to your clients _ that they have to have the pass handing from their nose in lieu of a rear view mirror>??? _ and $4 per person This ticks me off as much as you. Especially since the accesses are closed for 5 months of the year. Now, I was also threatened with a ticket last year by a Park Attendant who said my park passs was out of day. The annual pass has 06 marked on the front _ but I had to hand her the pass and let her read the relevant words "Valid 12 months from date on front" before I escaped. We had numerous tickets written here (another cash cow). There really needs to be a public outcry over this. Not are we paying for our own facilities owned by the public but these are being turned into Private (*corp) facilities. And you know what will be next after the lakes. Access through Corp easements to the rivers. Maintain the rage!! Cheers Steve
Rusty Posted April 13, 2007 Posted April 13, 2007 There are so many things wrong with this, that it is hard to even find a place to start. We are going to be taxed into the poor house, correction, we already are. The turnip in finally bleeding. The next bill to be passed will read ONLY THE WEALTHY MAY USE THESE WATERS.
mcp633 Posted April 13, 2007 Posted April 13, 2007 I'm afraid since I'm not familiar with the area, I'm not following. Who runs the parks? NPS or MO DNR? Do I understand you right that if you just want to take the family to the park and have a picnic or something and don't even wet a line it's $4.00 a head? I principle, you're absolutly right. It's outrageous to expect someone to pay a user fee to use a park provided to them by their tax dollars already. State or federal tax dollars, it doesn't matter, it's B.S. I understand paying a launch fee at a boat ramp to help maintain that ramp, or paying a parking fee if those fees go directly to the maintenance or improvement of the area you are using. I don't have a problem with that, but if they're making money off of the park put there for "public" enjoyment, that's wrong. Government should not be in the business of making money on anything. The private sector is better at it anyway! Oh, and I'd rather not get started on the boat registration fees again. I just got calmed down from last time! If you don't stand behind our troops, please feel free to stand in front of them
Root Admin Phil Lilley Posted April 13, 2007 Root Admin Posted April 13, 2007 Corp likes good PR. I suggest writing the Springfield NewsLeader, letter to the editor. Make it count.
Members back o d boat Posted April 13, 2007 Members Posted April 13, 2007 Mr.Bill Babler.Looks to me like you have allready written your letter.I would just print out this entire topic with answers and fax it to Roy Blunts office in Springfield. Thanks for your good writting. Burr1
Rusty Posted April 13, 2007 Posted April 13, 2007 If I remember right, last year when my kids and I camped at the Beaver Dam, I was told we had access to the state park above the dam. Since we had payed to camp already, we did not need to pay to use the swimming area above the dam. That fee was already included with the camping permit. But, you had to have the permit on your dash/rear view mirror to not pay.
Crippled Caddis Posted April 13, 2007 Posted April 13, 2007 <Will it ever be enough??? --I am a good American, but there has to be a limit to the tax we have to pay, too use something we have already paid for.> <there is no reason to pay to use public ground> <There are so many things wrong with this, that it is hard to even find a place to start. We are going to be taxed into the poor house> Slavery takes many forms. The American people (and many others around the globe!) are in fiscal slavery to the entity that was formed to be their servant---a federal government that has been allowed through inattention and apathy to become the wolf that preys on the sheep in the fold. Nor can we claim that we weren't warned. Many of the Founders specifically warned us of the danger of allowing the federal government to usurp the rights of the states and thereby the rights of the people. Thomas Jefferson, a student of the nature of mankind, gave us fair warning with: "When all government, domestic and foreign, in little as in great things, shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power, it will render powerless the checks provided of one government on another and will become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated." Nor was his the only voice to speak in warning: "How soon we forget history. Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. A government is like fire, a handy servant, but a dangerous master."---George Washington The American 'Civil War' was NOT about slavery despite what your school may have taught you otherwise; it was solely about the usurpation by the federal government of states rights. And with the loss of that conflict the die was cast that has led to the current state of affairs. The current 'state of affairs' is de facto fiscal slavery through illegal confiscation of private wealth and property to which the federal government is NOT Constitutionally entitled. ALL Republican forms of government are formed for one purpose and one purpose only: for the protection of the people that constitute that government. When that federal entity itself becomes the enemy of the people it has outgrown its' validity under the terms for which it was founded and it is the right and duty of the people to replace it with a new form that once more serves the people. That principle has long been recognized as both just and neccessary: Montesquieu wrote in Spirit of the Laws, VIII,c.12:, 'When once a republic is corrupted, there is no possibility of remedying any of the growing evils but by removing the corruption and restoring its lost principles; every other correction is either useless or a new evil.'" If there be a principle that ought not to be questioned within the United States, it is that every man has a right to abolish an old government and establish a new one. This principle is not only recorded in every public archive, written in every American heart, and sealed with the blood of a host of American martyrs, but is the only lawful tenure by which the United States hold their existence as a nation.----- James Madison The Founders, in anticipation of exactly what has transpired, ("The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground." --Thomas Jefferson) wisely bequethed to us the tools for doing just that" "The constitutions of most of our States assert that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves in all cases to which they think themselves competent--(and)-- that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed; that they are entitled to freedom of person, freedom of religion, freedom of property, and freedom of the press." --Thomas Jefferson The Founders wisely provided that the American people could always remain armed exactly so they could defend themselves againt a rogue federal government. With the new Congress that right is once more under assault. The very fact that Congress wants the people disarmed should be sufficient warning that government wants to remove the right of the people to change it. Pay attention America! "You need only reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in their struggle for independence." ---Charles Austin Beard
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