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leonard and i got out last night to see if my motor was going to run ok.  the crank broke off right under the flywheel, and we just put a crank in it and buttoned it back up.  bill vance marine did the work and got me back on the water pretty quick.  motor ran just perfect.  then our next objective was to see if we could sore mouth a few.  it took and few stops and trying different stuff, but the ticket was a bit further back off the main lake.  flatter terrain and the Elite Mega Blade 1 oz. (aka big wobbler).  we did catch two or three on a 3/4 GrassJig.  a few bites were in 10 feet or less, but most were closer to 20.  so, with the terrain being flatter to really cover what was there, it required making a pass sitting closer to 15, and then make another pass sitting out past 25 ft.  same thing, there had to be a lot of bait in the area.  the bait is still staying 10 ft. or less after dark.

ended up with 18 keepers.  did have some good lmg's in the mix.  several 3's.  no keeper k's.  just brown ones and big heads.




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