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Has anyone had success using a mouse pattern on our Ozark streams or tailwaters? They were all over it in Alaska but I am anxious to try it on our home waters. All you need is one to make your evening.


I have had some fish slam mice patterns before

& it'll definately get your heart pounding.

Seeing your post has me thinking I need to pursue that again.


Rich Looten

Springfield, Missouri

"If people don't occasionally walk away from you shaking their heads,

you're doing something wrong."- John Gierach



I have some foam mice patterns that a great friend, Jack Plotts tied for me. I have yet to try them, but I think they would be ideal for night time surfacing browns. I will try them next time out in the evening.



Glass Has Class

"from the laid back lane in the Arkansas Ozarks"


Yep, I need to tye some for the trip to Alaska, thanks Dano for the pics.

I have used them in the past for bass, they are a pain in the a-- to tye though.

The Foam mouse looks like an easy tye, how about a pattern description on those. It has to be easier than the deer hair ones I tye with eyes, and little ears, and whiskers.

"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously."

Hunter S. Thompson


If you were going to Alaska, I would definitely have them in my box. I hear they are less effective when the rainbows are on eggs. I must me hard to get them to look up with all that food floating by.


I have been tying up some sort of like the two at the bottom of Dano's pic. The ones I'm tying are just a pine squirrel with a foam gurgler style back. Then I shave the hair off the tail, but leave a little tuft of fur on the end. I don't know if the trout like them, but the smallmouth seem to be very, very mad at them. :goodjob:

I gotta be out of town until late Friday, but I'll try to post a pic when I get back.



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