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I'm just wondering what others favorite type and color of dubbing is for one of the best flies to use in the ozarks - scuds?

Probably the 2 most popular types are awesome possum (australian possum) and sow-scud. I go back and forth. They both work but currently I think I like the sow scud a little better. Which do you prefer? Or another type/brand?

Colors? I probably go with tan the most, then brown, then green.

Just wondering what others use?



"My biggest worry is that my wife (when I'm dead) will sell my fishing gear for what I said I paid for it" - Koos Brandt

Greg Mitchell

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Greg, I don't fish as many scuds as I probably should, but I like to use the uv ice dub in grey and tan. Its pretty course so you have to keep splitting it up into smaller sizes but the uv gives it some sparkle and it is very buggy. The scud that I fish the most is trout crack and I use some of the superfine sand colored dubbing for them.


Glass Has Class

"from the laid back lane in the Arkansas Ozarks"


Greg wrote:

<I think I like the sow scud a little better.---Colors? I probably go with tan the most, then brown, then green.>

Agree all the way down the line. Haven't yet tried the ice-dub Dano uses but it's on my 'to-do' list when I get the flat fixed on my 'round-to-it'. CC

"You need only reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in their struggle for independence." ---Charles Austin Beard

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Can't believe Rolan hasn't chimed in on this one... I won't let the cat out of the bag :)

Mine is the same as Rolan.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg


Two top colors for me in Awesome Possum is natural light and natural brown.

Beaver has been hot lately and hare's mask has been gaining ground. I also like natural brown rabbit cut right from the hide (Dont get too much of the grey). The color is about the same as the Awesome Possum natural brown but the texture is a little finer.

Another question to ask would be--

Do you prefer your sow bugs fat and juicy or on the skinny side?

I tend to tie mine on the fat side and I like to use flourescent orange thread to make a nice head.


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Can't believe Rolan hasn't chimed in on this one... I won't let the cat out of the bag :)

Mine is the same as Rolan.

Yep, got me a little vial of that "special dubbing" too.... :goodjob:

Glass Has Class

"from the laid back lane in the Arkansas Ozarks"


Thanks for all the great replies. I've never met Rolan but I've heard of his peppy scud.

Dano - Scuds were not that productive for me until recently. I figured out I just wasn't weighting them enough. Once I started using a lead underwrap and/or a bead head - they started working much better for me. For some reason I just don't ever do very well when I use an unweighted fly and a shot (weight) above it. Plus I hate casting a rig with lead shot or even the soft sticky weight above the fly.

Duckdoty - I tie mine on the fat side too.


"My biggest worry is that my wife (when I'm dead) will sell my fishing gear for what I said I paid for it" - Koos Brandt

Greg Mitchell


Dano - Scuds were not that productive for me until recently. I figured out I just wasn't weighting them enough.


Good point Greg. I think like most nymphs its important to get them as close to the bottom as you can. I am not a big fan of using split shot either unless I may be just casting to short distances or high sticking some pocket water.


Glass Has Class

"from the laid back lane in the Arkansas Ozarks"


These comments and opinions about "Scuds" are like fishing -- no two people ever think the same way or tie the same way. Isn't that what makes this sport so challenging and interresting.

Scuds: Yes, you must keep a scud on or near the bottom. I believe in weighing my scuds which aids keeping the fly near the bottom. I also prefer the scud to be fairly slim with some stiff fibers.

I'll primarily stick with gray and mink brown colors. "Peppy" is a gray scud. made from our past Cockapoo gray dog and blended to achieve my preferred darkness of gray. I blend with gray antron.

Question for you scud fishermen -- How do you fish them?


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